Adi fired “some thieves who make music” and were charged for using free BGM: is it a fraud | ETtoday Starlight Cloud | ETtoday News Cloud

Reporter Cai Yifang / Comprehensive Report

YouTuber Adi has become popular for running an English teaching channel, and has accumulated more than 2.7 million subscriptions so far, enjoying high popularity on the Internet. In response to the background music of the video on the 1st, he pointed out that “some people who make music are very thieves”. , the post also caused netizens to be divided into two factions.

▲Adi became popular for creating English teaching videos. (Picture / Retrieved from Instagram / raydudaily)

Adi posted on Twitter on the 1st, revealing that when some music platforms and producers provide music, they indicate that they can be downloaded for free by video creators, or for commercial use, but after everyone has used it, the other party will claim the copyright after a while. Declare and receive the full movie profit from the creator of the movie. In response to such a situation, Adi bluntly said “very thief”, and even more dissatisfied: “Is this a fraud? Those 30 seconds of bgm are really not that important to the film, and the profit of the entire film will be stolen. “

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▲▼Adi fired

▲Adi shared the situation encountered in the use of free music during the creation of the video. (Picture / Retrieved from Twitter / durayray)

After Ah Di’s PO was posted, some people disagreed and said “Do you know how hard it is to make music? 30 seconds of BGM, every second is tears”, “Free is the most expensive”, “Actually looking for official copyright The owner should buy it, it should be the best solution”; but there are also many netizens who agree with Adi’s idea, “It’s hard to make music, isn’t it hard for others to make videos?” , “Such a ratio really does not meet”.

▲▼Adi fired

▲ Netizens’ views on Adi’s PO text. (Picture / Retrieved from Twitter / durayray)

【Adi’s full text】

Some people who make music are very thieves. First, they provide everyone with free downloads and say that they can be used for commercial use. Then after a while, after everyone uses them, they will extract the profits of these people in the background…

Is this fraud?The 30 seconds of bgm is really not that important to the film, the profit of the entire (branch) film will be stolen

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