Adrián Rubalcava highlights security, infrastructure and social welfare – ContraRéplica

By Oscar Reyes Flores

During his fourth government report at the Deportivo El Cacalote facilities, Adrian Rubalcavamayor of Cuajimalpa, affirmed that all the actions of his government are divided into three points.

Which are Citizen security; Works and Infrastructure and Development and Social Welfarewhich are focused on giving stability to the entire population of the demarcation.

“When I took office in 2012 in the then Delegation, we only had 4 patrols, today more than 10 years later we have more than 400 patrols and it can be summarized that we have 10 patrols for each neighborhood and town that makes up the Territorial Demarcation” Rubalcava said.

He also highlighted that, in Cuajimalpa, they have bet on technology, since each element of the Auxiliary Police He carries a Body Cam that serves as a method of preventing excessive use of force, acts of corruption, and also as a way of caring for police officers.

“It is important to highlight that in Cuajimalpa we have managed to reduce human trafficking by permanently closing all the black lines that carried out this type of activity such as table dance and intimate spas, being the only City Hall of Mexico City, which has been recognized in Washington DC (United States) as a City Hall in Mexico free of trafficking”, he pointed out.

He also highlighted that it has been possible to reduce the incidence of high-impact crime such as house-room robbery, 76.96%; intentional homicide, 62.50%; robbery to delivery man, 75% and business robbery, 35%.

In the area of ​​works and infrastructure, Rubalcava affirmed that the urban improvement days were created, which he highlighted as actions that are carried out voluntarily by fellow employees, payroll 8 and neighbors.

According to the mayor, the actions are carried out every weekend and consist of chaponeo, facade painting, manual sweeping and solid waste collection. To date, around 500 workshops have been held.

“We built the new wake, crematorium and columbarium located in Palo Alto, this wake is twenty times cheaper than some prestigious private funeral agencies, offering the service to anyone who needs it,” he said.

In this sense, he explained that it has two ovens, which allow up to 16 cremations per day. It has auxiliary burners in its chimneys to control smoke emissions and pollution into the atmosphere; 7 wake rooms, funeral service (carriage loan and coffin donation) and 2,400 niches, the cost of the wake and cremation is 3 thousand pesosBy service.

As for women, he stressed that they have been a priority in his administration, which is why he has built the Emergency House for Women, with the purpose of safeguarding their physical and psychological integrity, as well as that of their children who experience domestic violence, granting them legal guidance.

While, on the issue of development and social welfare, he maintained that the program was created “Lives and works in Cuajimalpa”which has carried out 20 expos and 240 job caravans, as well as the celebration of agreements with the private initiative seeking to make the most of the most important financial center in Latin America, Santa Femanaging to affiliate 1,300 companies in the area.

“We are the mayor’s office with the largest employment exchange in all of Mexico City, generating 9.5 jobs per day, that is to say that in 10 years of government, 22,800 people have been hired,” said the mayor.

He also maintained that the social program was implemented “Heads and Heads of Family” which consists of granting financial support in cash of 4,500 pesos to 7,500 beneficiaries who are the sole support of their family.

Regarding the Covid-19 pandemic, the mayor’s office delivered 36,350 pantries to cushion the economic impact of the pandemic.

“We have also made agreements with recreational institutions such as Kidzania, aquarium INBURSEthe Santa Fe ice rink, El Papalote Museo del Niño, CINEMEX and CINE+, where they have benefited more than 176 thousand people between children and adults”, he finished.

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