Adrián Suar gave his opinion on Jorge Lanata’s comments

2023-07-29 17:19:38

Since Jorge Lanata revealed data about the health of Wanda Nara, society debated the limits of journalistic information. In this context, Adrian Suar He joined the discussion and commented on his feelings about it. In addition, he cataloged the fact as a lack of empathy from the journalist. Regardless, the producer made his response clear to his TV colleague.

Through an interview in «The nation», Adrian Suar gave his opinion on one of the controversies of the moment. In this sense, he gave his opinion on the statements of Jorge Lanata: «I feel two things. First, I am not a journalist, but I am a citizen, therefore I understand and see. I believe that journalism has the possibility of giving information. But it happened to me that when I saw Jorge Lanata I felt that he did not stick with how he gave the information but because of how little empathetic he was ».

However, his vision of the matter did not end there, but he continued explaining his perspective on the controversy of Jorge Lanata. In addition, he stated: «If I had to give him advice, off camera, I would tell him that he was not very empathetic. There is information that can be given, but knowing that the other person is in a difficult situation. I think that Jorge’s nature leads him to do that, it is very difficult to know what information he can give and what not, “he concluded.

Jorge Lanata and his admiration for women

Through his program in «Radio Miter», Jorge Lanata starred in the pass with the cycle led by Edward Feinmann. In this sense, in the absence of the driver, Lanata spoke with Maria Elizabeth Sanchez. Who noticed the large presence of women on the floor: “Always surrounded by women… You really know how to work, Jorge.”

Of course, the answer Jorge Lanata It was not long in coming: «They are more passionate than men. They are crazier… In creativity I think it is even. The other day I don’t remember who I was talking to who told me that, that there are a lot of mines on the radio. And I told him: “I don’t realize why I didn’t take any of them because they were mine, I hired them because they seemed good to me. If they had been mine, type, transvestite, anything, I would have taken them the same “”.

#Adrián #Suar #gave #opinion #Jorge #Lanatas #comments

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