Advice for fast food addicts.. These steps reduce health damage

A recent survey by the Cleveland Clinic showed that nearly half of Americans buy fast food at least once a week, and the younger generations do the most.

Although fast food may be a little tasty, it is not entirely healthy.

Dietician Julia Zumpano said: “Sometimes we can convince ourselves that certain fast foods are healthy, I wouldn’t classify them as that at all, but there are certainly choices we can make that are definitely better than others.”

She added: “Fast food provides very little nutrients and is mostly made up of processed ingredients, which include saturated fats, trans fats and salt, and of course all of these things can be bad for blood pressure and cholesterol.”

Zumpano stressed that it is better to avoid fast food or at least limit the amount of food you eat per week, noting that it is better if you resort to it to avoid anything fried, and rely on eating grilled meat, salads and soups.

And she advised relying, when purchasing these meals, on ordering soup or potatoes prepared in the oven, vegetables, and some low-fat proteins, and that would be great for maintaining your health.

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