Against pigment spots, dermatological solutions

2023-05-03 16:21:12

Sun spots or lentigo appear on exposed areas: face, neckline, hands… How do you remove them? We asked the question to Marie Jourdan, dermatologist.

The article below is the transcript of the video embedded in this same article.

Start by saying goodbye to the sun

For sun spots, the treatment is relatively simple. Of course, we will offer you protect you from the sun as much as possible simply because you have to be logical. If we try to remove them, it is not so that they return immediately to the next sun.

Creams, liquid nitrogen… who does what?

Then we will offer, for example, depigmenting creams. It ranges from the depigmenting cream from drugstores to the depigmenting preparation that contains hydroquinone. But these products, they must be applied every day for at least two months to obtain an attenuation of the color. And unfortunately, if there are still a few spots of sun at that time, at the slightest sun, it will revive.

At the dermatologist, we tend to go towards more destructive solutions. And in this context, there are two solutions. At the dermatologist in town, you can use liquid nitrogen which is going to come and burn the pigmentary cells so that they diminish, truly burn the pigment. And in the form of crusts, the sun stain will leave. We will try not to be too heavy handed so as not to leave traces. We may prefer to have you come twice, but maybe that’s a blessing in disguise, but it’s really about destroying the sunspot.

The more expensive pigment laser…

And the other, much more modern solution may be preferred when there are a lot of sun spots: it is the pigment laser which is really a machine that will specifically fragment sun spots. The pigment laser, it is not used for everyone, simply because it is an expensive treatment. I see a lot of patients, moreover a little suspicious, who say to themselves “I’m not going to do the laser because it seems that the sun spots are coming back”.

We’re going to laser off what we see, all the stains we see. But there are plenty of spots that are coming!

In fact, yes, you have to understand that these stains are the result of decades in the sun and that we are going to laser eliminate what we see, all the stains we see. But there are plenty of stains that are coming. So I often say to patients: sun spots when you no longer expose yourself, it’s a bit like when you want to slow down an ocean liner : there is a certain inertia, there are other stains that will come out like that for a year or two years. But after a while, he is still exhausted and we will have cleaned everything up.

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