“Aggression in opposition to me, Meloni exploits” –

“There’s a nice mystification and media aggression in the direction of me. My controversy was in opposition to Meloni, not others. Meloni who used the presentation of an institutional mission to make a present of political politics. That’s it calls political politics, demagogy, charlatanism and my controversy is in opposition to this local weather. Which is what maybe forces managers of state corporations to place their shirts on their chests to show submission and subservience to the federal government. These are shameful issues which should be fought explicitly. The Camorra has nothing to do with it, solely Meloni and her political exploitations need to do with it.” These are the phrases of Vincenzo De Luca, president of the Campania Area, interviewed relating to the controversy that broke out over the function of Don Maurizio Patriciello, anti-Camorra, on the sidelines of the inauguration of the Collana Stadium in Naples. In current days De Luca had given the parish priest “Pippo Baudo of the northern space of ​​Naples”.

#Aggression #Meloni #exploits #Tempo
2024-05-15 00:30:35

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