Ain. The Adinois Jérémy and Fanny in the Beijing Express semi-finals

Will the “dreamy” Indian couple win the final of Beijing Expressthe broadcast of M6?

If at the very beginning, the goal for them was not to leave the game first, which “would not have changed anything between us, we are too close for that”, Jérémy and Fanny promised each other not to give up. And they are in the semi-finals: Beijing Express, it can’t be summed up, you have to live it to realize the difficulty of the game […]. We never targeted the amulets for the amount they represent, but for the immunity side […]. We “will go all the way, despite the alliances made against us. »

For the couple, “already very united, very complementary before the adventure” nothing has changed, apart from a little fatigue, stress and a lot of humanity.

A human adventure

And for this, the two dreamers are ready to waste their precious time. This is how they stopped in tears when Axel’s grandpa collapsed in the desert (last Thursday, editor’s note) “It was sincere. We were really sad. You get attached very easily and at that moment, it’s atrocious. We could hear Axel shouting: “But grandpa, stop!” Jean-Claude (the grandpa, editor’s note) gave everything he could. It was very very hard, it broke our hearts. »

Stopping, they also do it to thank their drivers: “For us, Beijing Express, it’s just a human adventure. When people, who spend two or three hours of their time driving us over miles they wouldn’t have done, ask us to take a picture with them, we can’t refuse that, it’s humanly unthinkable for us. So, yes, we sometimes lost time taking a photo with a team. But honestly, it made them so happy, it’s our way of thanking them. »

And for the semi-final? They will give everything. There will also be a zipline course at 150 km/h. “Jérémy loves it but he knew that I had vertigo. Fanny didn’t want to “spoil this moment for him” and did it for him, not for Beijing Express really for him”.

And after ? The couple strongly plans to return to Jordan, a very difficult stage, apart from the night in the desert, “the most beautiful night we have spent in the game and perhaps even in our life”. They also appreciated “the people of the United Arab Emirates” who they found “so human and adorable”.

Semi-final of Beijing Express with Jérémy and Fanny, this Thursday, April 7, on M6, at 9 p.m.

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