Air conditioning and heat wave, what impact on health?

The episode of heat wave which has been hitting France for several days is not yet over, another one is already looming on the horizon. More than 60 municipalities have recorded historic temperature records, sometimes exceeding 40°C. Faced with these peaks of heat wave, air conditioning systems appear as a solution to make the air more breathable in offices, homes or even cars. But, is air conditioning safe for health? Health on the Net make the point.

Air conditioning and heat waves: impacts on health

Our body is very sensitive to rapid changes in outside temperature. It is therefore recommended to adjust your air conditioner, respecting a maximum difference of 5 to 7°C between the desired temperature and the outside temperature. Beyond that, a deviation may cause thermal shockwhich is manifested by headaches, malaise or even loss of consciousness or respiratory arrest in the most serious cases.

In addition to this thermal shock, air conditioning can cause other health problems, such as anginaof the respiratory allergies or even the aggravation of the eye dryness.

Is air conditioning in a strong heat wave a vector of infections?

Some types of air conditioners can transmit pathogens, such as legionellosis. It is a lung infection caused by bacteria of the Legionella type. This infection can be serious in fragile people. And in the context of the pandemic Covid-19, some clusters may have been closely linked to the ventilation of collective spaces. In China, in January 2020, an infected but asymptomatic restaurant customer reportedly infected nine other people, some of whom were not at her table.

Thus, two mechanisms could explain transmission of the SARS-Cov2 virus by air conditioning. On the one hand, the circulation of the virus directly in the ventilation and air recirculation system. On the other hand, the creation of temperature and humidity conditions favorable to the survival of the virus. Public health authorities therefore recommend regular maintenance and inspection of the air conditioning system, in particular with cleaning and replacement of filters.

Alternatives to air conditioners

Lowering the indoor temperature is possible, thanks to simple solutions that have no side effects on health or the environment.

If the air conditioning can be associated with health problems, it is not necessarily the only solution to the increase in temperatures, especially since it is expensive in terms of energy.

A few simple steps to lower the temperature:

  • Ventilate during the coolest hours (at night and early in the morning), then close the shutters and windows during the hottest hours;
  • Hang damp cloths from the windows and mop the floor to increase the humidity;
  • Unplug electrical appliances that you do not need, as they radiate heat;
  • Install sun protection systems (awning or sunshade);
  • Plant trees in the garden or install shrubs on the terrace.

As to fan, it simply allows to create an air circulation. It is possible to obtain a cooling effect by placing a damp cloth nearby.

Estelle B., Doctor of Pharmacy


– Specialists tell us about the effects of air conditioning on our body and our brain. Accessed July 20, 2022.

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