Al-Saadani reveals the truth about the deteriorating health of leader Adel Imam

The news of artists and celebrities usually remains among the most prominent things that are circulated through social media and social media, as fans of these stars always search for their news, and correct or incorrect news may be circulated, and followers must obtain this news from reliable sources, so that everyone can be reassured. In fact, some social media pioneers shared information about the health status of the beloved comedian, Adel Imam, where some confirmed that the leader had Alzheimer’s disease, and some even reached a significant deterioration in his health, except that a journalist close to the great artist’s family revealed a truth. News has recently circulated about the deterioration of the health of the star of Egypt and the beloved of the Arabs, and we will clarify the validity of this news in the following lines and other related topics.

The fact of the deterioration of the health of the leader

Akram Al-Saadani, the journalist, revealed the details of the health status of the star, Adel Imam, after circulating news of his deteriorating health and Alzheimer’s disease, as he confirmed during a telephone conversation with the journalist “Khairy Ramadan” and the journalist “Karima Awad”, the team presenting the “Cairo Talk” program. Broadcast on the “Cairo and the People” satellite channel, that the leader is in good health, indicating that he visited the artist Adel Imam a short time ago, and he participated in eating some food, and he was in good condition.

The fact that the health of the leader, Adel Imam, deteriorated

Did the leader suffer from Alzheimer’s?

Al-Saadani continued his speech, saying: “Social media platforms must be controlled by the Ministry of the Interior, to control false news, and to punish its promoters in accordance with laws and controls, especially since some do this for fame or to obtain more views and follow-ups.” He wondered: “What is the purpose of He spread these rumors about artists and celebrities, and where did the promoters get these false news about the health of the artist, Adel Imam, and published news that he had Alzheimer’s, and this is unfounded.

Al-Saadani reveals the truth about the deteriorating health of leader Adel Imam
Did the leader suffer from Alzheimer’s?

Adel Imam in brief

  • Full name: Adil Muhammad Imam Muhammad Bukharani.
  • Date of birth: May 17, 1940 AD.
  • Place of birth: Cairo – Al-Sayeda Aisha neighborhood.
  • Family Origins: Shaha Village – Dakahlia Center.
  • Father’s job: Sergeant in the Egyptian police.
  • Siblings: A brother is producer Essam Emam – and two sisters Iman and Mona.
  • Wife: Hala Shulgami
  • Children: Rami, Sarah and Muhammad.
  • His artistic works: (120 films – 16 series – 11 plays – one radio series).
Al-Saadani reveals the truth about the deteriorating health of leader Adel Imam
Adel Imam in brief

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