Alain Maron (Ecolo) on the Josaphat wasteland: ‘I think the project risks killing itself’

What about gas boilers? They are still accepted and can still be installed. However, the bonuses are only focused on heat pumps or hybrid heat pumps (systems that mix gas power with a heat pump). These heat pumps run on electricity. And the trend is for them to be powered by photovoltaic panels for which there is no premium.

There is a support system for photovoltaic panels, via green certificates. So there is a guaranteed return on investment in seven years. The system is still extremely profitable. It is also why many companies offer to install panels ‘for free’ on your roof. You save energy and the company in question receives the green certificates“, notes Alain Maron.

And if the premium budget has doubled in five years during this legislature, “it is because it is the direction in which it is necessary to go. And we also encourage people to first insulate their roof, their facade, their frames“, points out the Brussels minister.

Still, it is not always easy to know where to go and where to ask questions in the event of a renovation to obtain a bonus. While in Flanders one-stop shops have existed for years, “cis the case in Brussels too“, assures the Minister in charge of Energy.

And to continue:Because the R systemenolution has made a large one-stop shop via the internet but also via the system de Homegradethe organism regional support. Then we decentralize via the Habitat network. But there is a single entry point, a very significant administrative centralization that has been underway since the year past and will continue“.

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