Alarms sounded as Hamas fired rockets into Tel Aviv for the primary time in 4 months.

2024-05-26 20:48:00

Hamas fired a number of rockets into central Israeli cities. For the primary time in 4 months, together with in Tel Aviv, sirens sounded. claimed revenge for the bloodbath

International media reported that Hamas launched rockets from Rafah. The transfer into central Israel brought about air raid sirens to sound so far as Tel Aviv. For the primary time in months, Sunday, Might 26, 2024, Israel launched a violent assault on Gaza over the previous seven months.

There have been no preliminary reviews of casualties in Hamas’ newest assault. It was Israel’s first assault on the central area since January. That is regardless of occasional rocket and mortar assaults on Gaza border communities by Palestinian armed teams together with Islamic Jihad prior to now.

Hamas’s army wing, the Izzedin al-Qassam Brigades, claimed duty for the newest assaults. The transfer was allegedly in retaliation for the bloodbath of Israeli residents.

The Israel Protection Forces (IDF) mentioned no less than eight rockets entered Israel after being fired from Rafah. The southern Gaza Strip has been underneath assault by Israel in latest weeks. The Iron Dome air protection system was capable of intercept three rockets earlier than Israel attacked and destroyed Rafah’s launcher.

Alerts had been additionally sounded in different cities corresponding to Herzliya and Petah Tikva, with a lot of the rockets falling in open areas, the IDF mentioned. Two aged individuals and their caregivers stay in a home in Herzliya. Two individuals had been barely injured attributable to shrapnel injury.

Positioned within the metropolis of Kfar Saba, north of Tel Aviv. The rocket landed in the course of an empty subject. Later, sirens sounded in villages alongside the Gaza border. Nevertheless, no injury was reported.

That is the newest assault by Hamas. This will likely be preceded by additional negotiations between their representatives and Israel on a ceasefire settlement. It is anticipated to start out this week.

supply: Related Press British Broadcasting Company

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