Alcolina Química e Derivados receives carbon neutral seal

2023-05-19 14:59:11

Specialized in chemical solutions for the most diverse areas, Alcolina Química e Derivados became the first Brazilian company in its segment to neutralize 100% of the carbon emission from its activities, according to the Brazilian Institute for the Defense of Nature (IBDN), responsible for by certification. To this end, the company joined a program to plant trees native to the Atlantic Forest in a forest restoration area in São Paulo, responsible for neutralizing the emission of greenhouse gases.

Brazil is currently the 7th largest emitter, according to the 10th report analysis of Brazilian emissions by SEEG (System of Estimation of Emissions and Removals of Greenhouse Gases from the Observatório do Clima). The document, released in March, revealed that, in 2021, Brazil had the second largest increase in greenhouse gas emissions in a period of almost two decades. The volume grew 12.5% ​​and reached 2.4 billion gross tons, a growth of 40% compared to 2010.

“Innovation is essential for the survival and growth of companies in a world in constant transformation. However, we believe in innovation with sustainability. For this reason, we are committed to reducing our environmental impacts and, in 2021, we started to implement an ESG policy, developing the environmental, social and governance pillars. And neutralizing the carbon emitted by our activities is the embodiment of this philosophy. Today, we are proud to be pioneers in our segment in this initiative”, says Rogerio Barros, CEO of Alcolina.

The 86 tons of gases neutralized by the company refer to activities carried out for one year. The amount was calculated by the IBDN, considering the period between February 2022 and February 2023.

For the calculation, the Institute considers different sources of carbon emissions, such as, for example, fossil fuel burning, energy consumption and waste production. Once the amount of tons generated by a company is defined, the IBDN defines the number of trees that must be planted. It takes an average of seven trees to sequester a ton of carbon over a 20-year period. Planting trees is one of the natural forms of carbon sequestration, since, during their growth, they need a huge amount of carbon to develop and end up removing this gas from the atmosphere through photosynthesis, reducing the amount of CO2.

Tietê Ecological Park

The location chosen for planting native Atlantic Forest trees was the Parque Ecológico do Tietê, a forest restoration area located in São Paulo. “This was the first time that Alcolina neutralized CO2 emissions and, now, we are committed to making this compensation annually. And we go further, expanding neutralization also to the stands of the events we will participate in”, says Daniela Carvalho, Alcolina’s quality manager.

The first stand to be neutralized will be the Fermentec Annual Meeting, which will take place between July 26th and 27th, in Ribeirão Preto (SP). Alcolina will plant more trees to offset the emission of 1.6 tons of gases.

Daniela recalls that, in addition to neutralization through the planting of trees, Alcolina adopts a series of sustainable measures, with daily actions committed to a quality, sustainable and innovative future. “We are constantly looking to develop and carry out initiatives that have less and less impact on the environment, such as awareness programs for all our more than 120 employees, at all hierarchical levels, and the development of technologies for treating and reusing water, which, in addition to being used at our headquarters, we offer to our customers”, he concludes.


#Alcolina #Química #Derivados #receives #carbon #neutral #seal

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