“Alexandre Brasseur’s Relationship with Isabelle Regourd: The Untold Story”

2023-05-13 13:30:00

The sequel after the ad

This is not an april fool“, this is how Alexandre Brasseur announced in 2021 to be in a relationship with Isabelle. A photo caption where we could see his beauty from the back, but identified in the image. Since then, he has revealed his face and we know that it is Isabelle Regourd.

Thursday, May 11, the star actor of tomorrow belongs to us reiterated his love for the woman of his life on Instagram. He has indeed posted two photos one after the other and on the second, we can see the young woman sitting in the middle of a road with a lighthouse in the background. “Apparition”, he wrote in capital letters. So it’s officially two years since these two spin the perfect love – but we assume that they were together before – far from the red carpets.

However, Isabelle Regourd is used to notoriety. If it takes care of the communication of the flagship series tomorrow belongs to us et Here it all startsshe was in the past in charge of communication within the production company Telfrance, in Marseille, which notably produced the series More beautiful life. Maybe that’s how she met Stéphane Henon in 2009. With Jean-Paul Bauer from the series More beautiful life, she had two children Milo (born in April 2012) and Marceau (born July 1, 2016), before divorcing. With Alexandre Brasseur, she is now at the head of a blended family since for his part he has been for more than thirty years with Juliette, the mother of his two children Louis and Jeanne.

A very preserved privacy

In his autobiography Added, published on May 5, 2022 by Plon editions, Alexandre Brasseur had explained why he is so modest about his family and his loves. “A few years ago, I spoke about my private life in the media. My words were then taken up, distorted and decontextualized on the Internet and in the press. It didn’t help me and I regretted it. So from now on, I only reveal a few snippets of my private life“, he had explained to Here is. This photo with Isabelle is therefore particularly precious.

The sequel after the ad

The sequel after the ad

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