Alkolenker wanted to flee from the police

2023-05-28 17:55:55

Previously, the heavily intoxicated man from the Grieskirchen district had already attracted attention at the event because of his aggressiveness, which is why the police were notified at 11:15 p.m.

Together with the security, the man, who was very upset and could hardly be calmed down, was taken to the exit area. He refused a taxi, instead he wanted to walk home.

Not even close. While the police and security were still standing at the side of the road, they were almost hit by an oncoming car. It turned out that the driver was the 29-year-old. He was so drunk he could barely keep track.

One of the police officers ran alongside the car for a moment and asked the driver through the open vehicle window to stop. But the 29-year-old didn’t stop, but accelerated the vehicle. The police immediately took up the pursuit.

Because the man was so drunk and sometimes drove in a wavy line, he left the road and even continued to ride on the wheel rim after a tire was damaged.

Other extremely dangerous situations occurred during the chase, but no one was injured.

Finally, the man drove back to Gunskirchen, where he was arrested. However, the 29-year-old refused an alcohol test. His driver’s license was taken away.

Because of several threats against unknown persons and because the 29-year-old was also in possession of firearms, a temporary ban on weapons was issued and the weapons were confiscated.


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#Alkolenker #wanted #flee #police

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