All you need to know about lung cancer.. and the most prominent symptoms

Lung cancer is one of the most dangerous types of cancer so far, there is no specific cause for infection cancer lung, but there are factors that increase the risk of infection, most notably smoking, according to the website medicinenet Cigarette smoke damages the lungs and sometimes kills hair-like bumps on airway cells known as cilia. Cilia usually remove toxins, carcinogens, viruses and bacteria. When cilia are damaged by smoke, all of these elements can build up in the lungs and may cause problems such as infections and lung cancer..

There are signs of lung cancer, including:

Coughing (chronic and recurrent).


-Weight loss.

Shortness of breath or wheezing.

Coughing up phlegm that contains blood.


Lung cancer is usually screened using three methods:

– physical exam

The physical exam will look for signs of wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing, pain, and other possible signs of lung cancer. Depending on the progression of the cancer, other early signs of lung cancer symptoms may include decreased sweating, dilated neck veins, facial swelling, excessively constricted pupils, and other signs. The physical examination will also include the patient’s smoking history and a chest x-ray.

Spiral tomography exam

This CT scan method builds a detailed picture of the body’s internal workings inside the spiral CT machine. Detailed pictures are taken of the relevant parts of the patient’s body, and these images are then linked to an X-ray machine to create 3D images of the patient’s internal organs, and may reveal These pictures are about possible cancerous tumors.

mucus test

It involves examining throat mucus under a microscope.

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