Alleged Ghost Marriage Scandal in China: Parents Accused of Selling Daughter’s Body

2023-11-29 09:19:34

ThatIt is alleged that the parents sold the body of the 16-year-old daughter who committed suicide. Reports are coming out that the girl’s body was sold by her parents for Rs 7.75 lakh to make her the ghost’s bride. The South China Morning Post reports that a person named Sun from Shandong Province in eastern China has come forward with such an allegation. Sun is the biological father of a girl named Xiaodan who committed suicide. In 2006, Sun and his wife adopted Xiaodan to another couple. The daughter decided to adopt Xiaodan because she might not afford a third child along with two other twins. However, Sun and his wife, pretending to be relatives of the adoptive couple, frequently searched for Xiaodan and inquired regarding her well-being.

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Meanwhile, last December, Siavoda committed suicide by jumping from the ninth floor of the flat. Sun alleges that her daughter committed suicide due to physical and mental abuse inflicted on her by her adoptive family. But Sun is now alleging that even following her death, they did not leave their child alone. He alleged that they sold the child’s body to marry the body of another youth who died a few days ago for around Rs 7.75 lakh. Ghost marriages still taking place in some villages in China have a history of almost 3,000 years. The reason behind this practice is an ancient belief that a person who dies unmarried will not be blessed in the followinglife. As with traditional Chinese weddings, it is common for families of newlywed “ghost couples” to exchange gifts, give dowries, and later become relatives.

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In China, dowry is paid by the groom’s family to the bride’s family. According to Sun, they got Rs 7.75 lakh. Sun wants her adoptive parents punished for selling her daughter’s body for a ghost marriage. He filed a police complaint for this. But the police say that they have not received any evidence necessary to punish them. Meanwhile, police officials say there is no legal reason to punish those involved in ghost marriages. Yao Jianlong, director of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Law, told China Women’s News that ghost marriage is not a crime under Chinese law, and that previous cases have only gone to punishment for violating other laws such as mutilation of corpses and theft.

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Last Updated Nov 29, 2023, 2:49 PM IST
#body #16yearold #girl #committed #suicide #sold #lakh #rupees #ghost #marriage

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