Almost 478,000 Austrians receive care allowance

Compared to the previous month, the numbers have hardly changed (plus 0.3 percent); year-on-year there was an increase of 2.8 percent. There were hardly any changes in the allocation according to care levels – these are based on the care required by hours.

Most of those receiving care allowance are still in the lowest care level 1, at 28.3 percent. Around 20.7 percent are assigned to level 2, in level 3 there are 18.9 percent, in level 4 around 14.7 percent, 11 .4 percent are in level 5, around 4.3 percent in level 6 and 1.8 percent in the highest level 7.

That happened at the turn of the year Care allowance routinely increased, the “adjustment factor” this time was 9.7 percent. This means that level 1 recipients of care allowance have been receiving around 192 euros per month since January, in level 2 it is 354, in level 3 it is 552 euros, in level 4 it is 827, in level 5 it is 1,124 euros. For those affected in level 6 there is 1,569 euros, in the highest level 7 it is 2,062.

The Ministry of Health emphasized in a statement that increasing life expectancy led to a greater need for support, and at the same time more nursing staff and support staff were needed. This has already been addressed with measures such as the two parts of the nursing reform, the increase in the nursing care fund to 1.1 billion euros as part of the financial equalization (including higher salaries for nursing and care staff, training contributions, the permanent establishment of community nursing) and the nursing scholarship for the transition or re-entry into care. Despite this progress, further steps are necessary, “and we are in ongoing discussions with the system partners about this.”


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