Amazing results when you eat this breakfast

In the ideal situation, we start the day with a healthy, complete breakfast, but it is sometimes impossible for several reasons.

But nutrition experts stress the importance of sticking to a healthy and delicious breakfast, and give advice in this regard, according to the (nbcdfw) website.

Experts say a healthy breakfast doesn’t have to be elaborate, and they point to two energy-packed foods: cheese and yogurt.

For example, yogurt is rich in nutrients, proteins, bone-building calcium and potassium, which balances blood pressure.

Importantly, avoid added sugars by buying plain yogurt, which has no added sugars, and top it with fruit.

Cottage cheese can be eaten as it is low in calories and rich in proteins that help you feel full.

In terms of grains, it is not necessary to exceed between processed or light grains, and there are many suitable options in this context, such as dates, raisins, walnuts, and others.

Grains with a higher rating in whole grains are associated with lower rates of heart disease, cancer and diabetes, and another benefit is adding fiber to your diet.

And what about eggs? One study showed that overweight participants felt more full and satisfied after eating an egg breakfast than eating a cereal.

The negative aspects of eggs can be avoided by adding dark leafy greens, tomatoes, peppers or sweet potatoes to make a healthy and delicious breakfast.

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