Amazon indigenous “hole people” who survived alone after their friends were killed | HuffPost WORLD

In Brazil’s Amazon rainforest, an indigenous man who lived alone after all his companions were killed has died. The local government made the announcement on August 27.

The man, who lived on an indigenous reservation in the western Amazon state of Rondonia, was found dead in a hut hammock on August 23, according to the National Foundation for the Conservation of Indigenous Peoples (FUNAI). There was no evidence of violence or fighting, and it is believed to have been a natural death. An autopsy will be performed to find out if he had contracted the disease.

Men were called “Man of the Holes” because they dug holes to catch prey and hide. He is believed to have been around the age of 60.

A video that appears to show an indigenous man known as the “hole people” chopping wood. Taken by FUNAI.

People from the same tribe as men have been killed by armed groups hired by settlers and ranchers since the 1970s. In 1995 six friendswhen killedit is believed that only the cave people survived.

For nearly 30 years since then, the man has lived alone, refusing contact with the outside world.

An NPO engaged in activities to protect the rights of indigenous peoplesurvival internationalFiona Watson of .explanationis doing.

Of the man’s death, Watson said, “No one outside knows his name or his tribe. With his death, the genocide of this tribe is completed. This is a genocide— “Everyone was intentionally murdered by ranchers who greedily sought land and wealth.”

One of the straw huts made by men
One of the straw huts made by men


survival internationalAs of 2019, there were about 300 indigenous peoples in Brazil, and the “hole people” were the only ones living alone, according to the report.

“He represented the horrendous violence, cruelty and resistance that has been perpetrated against indigenous peoples around the world in the name of colonization and profit,” Watson wrote.

“We can only imagine the horrors he witnessed, and the loneliness after his fellow tribesmen were killed. But he steadfastly resisted all outside attempts to contact him, I made it very clear that I wanted to be left alone.”

One of the holes dug by an indigenous man called “the people of the hole”


Watson also warned that indigenous peoples will become extinct if Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro continues to prioritize profit over rainforests and protection of indigenous peoples.

Deforestation in the Amazon has accelerated since Bolsonaro took office in 2019acceleratedid.

Indigenous people strongly oppose Mr. Bolsonaro, who plans to develop resources. Indigenous chiefs to bring Bolsonaro to ICC in 2021, accusing policy of destroying Amazon as a crime against humanityfiled a complaint

HuffPost US versiontranslated the article.

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