American athletes marveled at “the Great Wall is next to the platform” and received hundreds of thousands of likes overseas jqknews

The National Ski Jumping Center located in the Zhangjiakou competition area is vividly called “Xue Ruyi”. Because of its stunning design that integrates Chinese elements and complements the natural and humanities, it has become an Internet celebrity building in the Winter Olympics area, attracting athletes from all over the world to check in.

  On the 7th, an American athlete took a video of “Xue Ruyi” and marveled at the Great Wall next to the platform. It received more than 200,000 likes on overseas social platforms.

Anna Hoffman, 21, is a ski jumper from the United States. While preparing for the competition, she shared a video shot on “Xue Ruyi” on TikTok (the international version of Douyin).

  She said excitedly: “I want to show you something very powerful, not far from the Xue Ruyi jumping platform, there is a ridge with a light band, it is nothing else but the Great Wall!” and sighed ” It’s so cool!”

After the video was released, it received more than 200,000 likes. Netizens said, “Awesome!” “Who would have thought to be so close?” “You are such a lucky girl!”

And when Anna Hoffman said that she had not had the opportunity to go to the Great Wall yet, some Chinese netizens left a message in the comment area, saying, “Welcome to China and go to the Great Wall!”

On another overseas social platform “Photo Wall”, Anna Hoffman also frequently posted pictures of taking photos with “Xue Ruyi” or competing in the venue.

On February 9, she also posted a post expressing her gratitude for the Beijing Winter Olympics, “Thank you Beijing for giving me this unforgettable experience and memories. I had a good week and I am very grateful for this opportunity. In terms of projects, I still have a lot to learn, but this is a good milestone in my career.” Liu Qiang

责编:袁晴 ]

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