American with prostate cancer speaks with an Irish accent | News

If the reason for this information is far from being funny, the effects of these can nevertheless make you smile. Suffering from prostate cancer at a fairly advanced stage, an American in his fifties has seen curious changes take place in the way he speaks and in the tone of his voice… So much so thathe started talking with an Irish accent.

Does he have Irish origins? Not at all. The man living in the United States has never even set foot in the Anglo-Saxon country, and has never spoken like this before. Yet this syndrome has apparently become uncontrollable ” according information reported by the Guardians.

An extremely rare disorder

If it may seem funny to hear, this symptom nevertheless constitutes a very real disorder, although extremely rare: the syndrome of the foreign accent. It has been attested by researchers from Duke University in North Carolina and the Carolina Urologic Research Center of South Carolina, in a medical report published in the British Medical Journal end of January 2023.

How is it possible ? According to the study authors, this is due to a paraneoplastic syndromethat is to say, a manifestation associated with cancer and whose effects are manifested at a distance from the primary tumor, due to proliferation of metastases to the brain. Usually, this kind of disorder appears after a strong shock, a head trauma or a stroke. ” To our knowledge, this is the first case of the syndrome described in a patient with prostate cancer and the third described in a patient with a malignant tumor “, explained the scientists.

For those who have never heard an Irishman speak, it can be hard to imagine what that sounds like. Concretely, the patient began to talk persistently, rolling the “R”s a lot and hardening the consonants. The man kept his accent for nearly twenty months, until his death.

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