An expert warns workers from home: There is a possibility of infection with a “case”

09:00 am

Friday 04 March 2022


Working from home has gained momentum from the Corona pandemic in different regions of the world, and the numbers may have decreased again in places where the frequency of vaccination increased and the frequency of infection with the Corona virus decreased, but despite that it is still much higher in other places than it was before the Corona pandemic .

Prof Mark Whiteley, expert in venous surgery and founder of the Whiteley Clinic, emphasized that the tendency to work from home is life-threatening for people with a common condition.

He warned that lack of movement due to working from home “can kill” people with varicose veins – due to the increased risk of fatal blood clots, according to what Russia Today reported.

The surgeon described how if you have varicose veins and do less movement, small blood clots are more likely to develop in your veins, known as thrombophlebitis.

These blood clots can quickly become fatal if they spread to a vein in your lungs, Whiteley said.

“Whether you develop complications through varicose veins depends on how much exercise you do,” he said. “And on the venous side, they push themselves towards thrombophlebitis.” [جلطات الدم الوريدي] And also leg ulcers, skin damage, swollen ankles and all the other things that come with venous reflux [الدوالي]”.

And when you don’t exercise and stay in your seat all day, this restricts blood flow in the varicose veins because there are fewer muscle contractions to help speed up the blood and make it circulate better.

According to Whitley, lack of exercise and varicose veins increase your risk of developing blood clots.

What makes varicose vein thrombosis fatal?

The risk of blood clots spreading to your lungs increases the closer the clot gets to the deep veins.

However, most varicose veins are near the surface of the skin rather than deep in the muscle.

Despite this, Whiteley explained that in some cases, blood clots can form in varicose veins near deep veins where they still have a risk of spreading to the lungs.

According to a study from 2012, these clots that occur near the deep veins have a 1% chance of spreading to the lungs.

And Whiteley offered some words of wisdom for anyone who works from home, especially if they have a job.

“What would make a lot of sense in the morning would be to go for a walk around the block,” he said. “Go for a walk after work. So basically do the same exercise you would if you were commuting. Just get the blood circulating, get the IV working.”

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