An inclusive theatre, an imitative bird and a committed Nati –

Hello and welcome to Suisse Good!

Christophe Schenk – Journalist RTS info

We talked a lot about space and stargazing last week in French-speaking Switzerland. Thanks to Marco Sieber from Biel, of course, selected by the European Space Agency to become an astronaut. But also thanks to the students of the Geneva Astronomical Observatory, who had access to several programs of the famous James Webb telescope. What to hum this air resurrected from childhood: “Infinity, blue meadows of the sky, discovered, like a large open book.”


“L’Objet volant” is a library for sharing objects and a professional reintegration project in La Chaux-de-Fonds (NE) / Local colors / 2 min. / Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.

Objects and links

Object libraries are on the rise in French-speaking Switzerland. That of La Chaux-de-Fonds (NE), nicely baptized “Flying object”, combines circular economy and social role. If you can borrow a camping tent as well as a grinder or a bread machine, it also offers professional experience and a link with the inhabitants of the region to the young people in integration who work there. .

A more inclusive theater

Enable blind or visually impaired people to move around independently within the grounds of La Comédie de Genève. This is the objective of the Virtuoz interactive system, which provides access to a relief map and, via a box, to voice information. A technology that can already be found at the Museum of Art and History in Geneva.


Ideas forum - A mobile pellet factory [RTS]

Ideas forum – A mobile pellet factory / Forum / 5 min. / Wednesday at 7:32 p.m.

A mobile pellet factory

In Switzerland, more and more buildings are heated using pellets, pellets made from wood residues and other biomass. Economical and ecological, they could be even easier to obtain, thanks to a mobile pellet factory project, imagined by a company from Le Vaud (VD). A technology that would also reduce greenhouse gas emissions from this type of production.


The verderolle reed warbler wins the title of bird of the year 2023 / The Hourly Journal / 21 sec. / Thursday at 2:03 p.m.

The bird of the year 2023 is an imitator

Like every autumn, the BirdLife association has unveiled the bird of the coming year. In 2023, the verderolle warbler will be in the spotlight, succeeding the skylark. Special feature of the newly elected: she is able to imitate more than 200 species of birds. Those from here, but also those whose songs she heard during her winter migration.

>> Learn more: The verderolle warbler wins the title of bird of the year 2023


Toilet paper, a new suicide prevention tool for young people in Japan / La Matinale / 1 min. / Thursday at 06:22

Toilet paper to prevent suicides

Post suicide prevention messages in the toilet. And even, print them on toilet paper. This is the initiative of a university in Tokyo, Japan. There are messages, addresses and soothing images, like a cat rolled up in a ball. Because it is often in the toilets that we take refuge when things are bad, but also because we are alone there and therefore more at ease to take a paper or photograph it.

>> Learn more: Toilet paper, a new suicide prevention tool for young people in Japan

12:30 p.m. guest – Claire Sejournet presents her book “Dressing better by buying less” / 12:30 p.m. / 7 min. / Tuesday at 12:52

Put an end to fast fashion

Did you know that in Europe we buy 60% more clothes today than 15 years ago and that we wear them half as much? To break with fast fashion, the French journalist Claire Sejournet offers with Dressing better by buying less a guide to limit your purchases, choose more ethical channels and repair what can be. In a formula, favor quality rather than quantity.


sport/video/rts-sport/11581720-suedesuisse-06091995-une-banderole-pour-lhistoire.html" data-media-urn="urn:rts:video:11581720">
The Swiss during the national anthem on September 6, 1995. [RTS]

Sweden-Switzerland (06.09.1995): a banner for history / RTS Sport / 3 min. / September 6, 2020

When the Nati was committed

Last week, at the World Cup in Qatar, six captains of European national teams – including Granit Xhaka – finally gave up wearing the One Love armband following the threat of a yellow card brandished by FIFA. 27 years ago, it was a different story, when the Nati brandished a banner to mark its opposition to the resumption of French nuclear tests. And this, even if all the players were not necessarily on the same wavelength.

>> Learn more: September 6, 1995, the moment when Switzerland emerged from its neutrality

And if not, do you know Earth on your shoulders? This is the new podcast – or balado, as we say in Canada – from the Médias Francophones Publics, devoted to green solutions to climate change. For his first episode, he takes stock of COP 27, between paradoxes and decisions, bouts of depression and hopes for the future. So, good COP or bad COP? I’ll let you make up your own mind.

Good listening, have a nice week and see you next Monday!

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