An official in “Al-Othaim Markets” gives good news regarding commodity prices by the end of the year

Al-Marsad newspaper: The Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Abdullah Al-Othaim Markets, Bader Al-Aujan, explained that the company aims to maintain the continuity of profit distribution following distributing 4 riyals during 2021.

Al-Aujan indicated, during an interview with Al-Arabiya channel: “Distributions The board always studies with the executive management, and what matters to us is continuity, and that we maintain the same level of distributions.”

He pointed out that the company is working to reduce the passing of the increase in commodity prices to shoppers, indicating that some commodities are imported from abroad and their prices are inflated, as well as other commodities such as poultry that depend on feed imported from abroad.

According to the monthly food price index from FAO, he stated: “We have a decrease in food prices in July less than last February, and it is expected that at the end of the year the prices of commodities will be similar to what they were in 2021, and Saudi Arabia is one of the countries with the lowest inflation rates.”

And Al-Aujan added: “Our affairs became easier in the first half and we opened 18 new branches, and we are working hard to be close to consumers to provide them with the best goods at lower costs, and we are trying to raise the number of our new branches to more than 24 in 2022.”

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