An official warning from “Microsoft”: This song destroys computers

Follow-ups – Gulf

Sometimes some beautiful songs resonate deeply inside the soul, but it is strange that a song dating back to 1988 by Janet Jackson sabotaged a number of laptops as soon as they were played over the Internet or loaded into the device, which caused an official warning, from the software company “Microsoft”, according to What was published by the British “Sky News” on Friday.

The incidents are related to the famous song “Rhythm of the Nation,” as Microsoft published a statement on its blog, in which the company’s chief software engineer, Raymond Chen, said, “One of the largest computer manufacturers has found that playing Janet Jackson’s song (Rhythm of the Nation) is able to Sabotage of some types of laptops.

The investigation revealed that playing the song causes a number of other companies’ computers to malfunction, if this device is close to the device playing the song. It turns out that the song contains one of the natural resonance frequencies on the hard disk of the computer used by this company and others. Because sounds are simply audio waves, there is a wavelength for each material that can create the most vibration, and this is known as mean resonance.

It turns out that the damaged laptops shipped since 2005 were affected by a frequency that was in the Jackson song.

The police indicated that the solution to the problem was simple, by placing a filter in the computer’s audio receiver that would detect the disruptive frequency and remove it before processing.

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