Annoying cough..a quick way to get rid of it

Follow-up – Suzanne Hassan

Coughing or coughing is a natural reaction of the body aimed at expelling foreign bodies; that irritate the airways and throat,

These substances stimulate the nerves to send signals to the brain, which in turn sends signals to the abdominal and chest muscles to remove the air from the lungs, thus excreting the irritating substances.

Despite the fact that a cough or a cough is undesirable, it is a natural process that is necessary for the health of the body to rid it of pathogens and allergens. A cough needs treatment if it lasts more than several weeks, or if it begins to produce mucus in different colors or blood comes out with it.

Such as microbes, irritants and mucus. A cough is considered acute if it starts suddenly and lasts for a period of no less than two to three weeks, while it is considered chronic if it continues without interruption for more than eight weeks in adults, or four weeks in children.

Causes of acute cough:
Causes of acute cough include:

Viruses: like

1_ Influenza virus.

2_ Pneumonia.

3- Bacterial infection.

4_ Inhalation of irritants from polluted air:

5_ Such as dust, smoke, and some chemicals.

Various home remedies for cough

There are some different home remedies besides herbs for treating cough, including the following:

1_ Drink fluids:

Drinking fluids is essential for people with flu and colds, and studies show that drinking fluids at room temperature may relieve coughing, sneezing, and a runny nose, and some may benefit from drinking hot fluids that relieve other symptoms such as sore throat, chills, and fatigue. That these symptoms disappear immediately after drinking hot liquids and remain so for a while, and fluids preferred in these cases are natural tea or natural herbs, lukewarm water, and warm fruit juices.

2_ Steam inhalation:

This method is used to treat cases of non-dry cough that produce a lot of mucus and phlegm, and steam can be inhaled through hot showers,
Water should be drunk immediately after showering to avoid dehydration, and steam can be inhaled by filling a pot with water and adding some oils to it, such as rosemary oil, and heating this pot and inhaling the steam coming out of it, and this process must be stopped when feeling the heat on the skin due to the steam.

3_ Gargling with salt water:

It is one of the most simple folk remedies, and this method helps soothe an inflamed and coughing throat, mix half a spoonful of salt to a glass of water and gargle in it, and the results of this process appear directly, and this method should not be applied to young children.

4_ Use a humidifier:

These humidifiers help relieve dry cough caused by inhaling dry air. These humidifiers also open the sinuses, and can be used before bed to get rid of cough that affects the sleep process.

Finally, you are well and healthy.

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