Another judge declared unconstitutional the collection of export duties | Judgment of Héctor Plou, federal judge of Junín

Hector Ploufederal judge of Junín, province of Buenos Aires, declared unconstitutional the rates of export duties in force and set by decree 851/2021. The ruling is in response to a presentation by rural producers from that city sponsored by Alejandro Barbieri, former president of the local Rural Society, and Luis Panetta.

The grounds for this first instance ruling is that as the Congress The budget for this year was not sanctioned, nor was the validity of the Economic Emergency Law extended, which gave the power to the Executive Power to set the rates.

This foundation is what motivated, in February, the Argentine Rural Society (SRA) next to the Rural Society of Jesus Maria (SRJM), to present the first lawsuit of this type, which was made in a court of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA) and in the Federal Justice of Córdoba.

In this last place, the judge Ricardo Bustos Fierro He agreed with the ruralistas, but then the case entered a judicial back and forth and has not had major news.

The producers also obtained an endorsement of their claim in a federal court in Tucumán, before a presentation by the Civil Association of Agricultural and Livestock Producers of the North (Apronor).

However, there was a negative case, when a federal judge in Río Cuarto denied the request of the Rural Society of that city to declare it unconstitutional.

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