Anticipations and Contrasting Prospects: Business Survey Insights for the Moroccan Economy in Q3 2023

2023-09-07 21:51:54

Moroccan business leaders lent themselves to the game of anticipations for the period from the beginning of July to the end of September 2023 in the last economic survey carried out by the High Commission for Planning (HCP) for the 3rd quarter of 2023. Appreciations which offer a valuable insight into current economic conditions and their implications for the Moroccan economy.

The results of the quarterly business surveys carried out by the High Commission for Planning (HCP) for the 3rd quarter of 2023 reveal contrasting prospects in different sectors of the Moroccan economy. That said, an in-depth analysis of these data provides a better understanding of current economic dynamics and their implications for the labor market. According to the expectations of business leaders, the manufacturing industry sector should maintain stable workforces for the period from the beginning of July to the end of September 2023. Although some sub-sectors, such as metallurgy and the food industry, expect an increase in their activity, others, such as the manufacture of non-metallic mineral products, the chemical industry and the automobile industry, anticipate a decrease in their production. Overall, this would result in a stability of the workforce employed in this sector.

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On the other hand, the extractive industry sector expects an increase in production, mainly due to the expected increase in the production of phosphates. However, the workforce employed in this sector is expected to decline, which could limit employment opportunities. In the energy production sector, an increase in production is expected, particularly in the field of production and distribution of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning. However, the number of employees employed is expected to remain stable, which could limit new employment opportunities in this sector.

As far as the environmental industry is concerned, expectations point to stable production and the number of employees employed. Activities related to the collection, treatment and distribution of water should maintain their level of activity, thus offering some stability for employment in this sector.

Production trends

In the construction sector, business leaders forecast an overall increase in activity for the period from the beginning of July to the end of September 2023. This growth would be mainly driven by civil engineering, while building construction should experience a stagnation of its activity. However, the workforce employed in the construction sector is expected to remain stable.

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Broadly speaking, the HCP business surveys for the 3rd quarter of 2023 indicate a mixed outlook in terms of employment opportunities and production trends. While some sectors, such as mining and civil engineering, anticipate an increase in their activity, others, such as certain sub-sectors of the manufacturing industry, anticipate a decrease in their production. The number of employees employed should remain stable overall, which could limit new employment opportunities in certain sectors. However, careful analysis of this data is essential to better understand current economic issues and make informed decisions in the country’s economic context.

#Labor #market #Manufacturing #construction #stay

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