Aon-BamBam releases crazy energy to make Pink Ploy, her head hurt in “Nang Khoi House”

Aon-BamBam releases crazy energy to make Pink Ploy, her head hurt in


Aon-BamBam releases crazy energy to make Pink Ploy, her head hurt in

Shrimp (Pinkploy-Paphawadi) taking carePraphimphan (On-Kewalin) In the room, Praphimphan drank water and choked. Kung hurriedly went to wipe her mouth. Kung feels pity for Prapimphan Jumjai Not long after, there was a loud knock on the door.Pinree (BamBam-Nasamon) who walks in carrying a tray of food with a bowl of soup in it Surprised Kung did not think that Pinree would pay attention to Praphimphan. Because Pinree looks like a person who doesn’t care about anyone. But then things happened until Praphimphan saw Pinari and shouted that Pinari was a non-stop rampant murderer. As for Pinree, There was an extremely frightened expression on his face. Screaming at the top of his voice until Kung stood confused and tried to bring back his sanity. Including comforting and calming down

Aon-BamBam releases crazy energy to make Pink Ploy, her head hurt in
Aon-BamBam releases crazy energy to make Pink Ploy, her head hurt in
Aon-BamBam releases crazy energy to make Pink Ploy, her head hurt in

This scene was taken on the set to be filmed at the main location. Baan Lor Kwian, Bang Yai, is known as the frenzied scene of the girls in the story that Pinkploy girls have to meet. Behind this scene, director Pee Od-Teerasak Phrom-ngern orders the camera for both of them, 2 young women, big and small, Aon-Kevalin and BamBam-Nasamon, to release the full power of madness. Pull out the screaming power to the max. I must say that this work has no one to give up on anyone. Even after ordering cuts, both of them complained about sore throats. There was only a girl in Pink Ploy who secretly complained that I wanted to go crazy. Want to scream some competition? looks good free But according to the script, but shocked and comforted. Well, there are people who are crazy, there must be someone who pulls some consciousness, but in this event, the 2 girls will be crazy because of what they see. And can the Pink Ploy girl alone calm them down? hard work again must follow and encourage all 3 girls in this scene, broadcast on Monday December 19th and follow the fun of the drama “House of Nang Khoi” every Monday – Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. on Channel 7HD press 35 and Facebook Live: Ch7HD or watch it backwards on BUGABOO.TV.

Aon-BamBam releases crazy energy to make Pink Ploy, her head hurt in
Aon-BamBam releases crazy energy to make Pink Ploy, her head hurt in
Aon-BamBam releases crazy energy to make Pink Ploy, her head hurt in

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