“Apex Heroes” players’ new tricks: Crazy Maggie’s “Aerial Mobile Laser” Riot Drill, only needs the cooperation of Darkmass | 4Gamers

“Apex Legends” (Apex Legends) Ammas’ “surveillance drone” has been a hotbed of many bug-breaking magic in the past, no matter how many bugs are fixed, there will always be new uses. This time, the drone has a new partner, Crazy Maggie’s “Riot Drill” aerial laser method.

Recently, the latest gameplay from Japanese players じょじょおじ came from the Apex community. In a tough battle, they first sent an Ammas drone, and then another Crazy Maggie teammate put a riot drill to instantly create a flying laser unmanned. machine, disrupting the enemy’s deployment.

In fact, this is not the gameplay of Anmas’ drone head being glued to a drill bit, but the riot drill was reinforced in the S14 version, so this gameplay was dug up again, and the effect was very good, because Anmas can Freely control the drone for exploration, while also inflicting serious wall penetration damage.

Although I know the principle of the combination of these two skills, according to the actual measurement, the distance judgment of the drill seems to be related to the distance of the wall, that is to say, the drill regards the drone as a trigger point, and the length of the laser is regarded as no one It depends on the distance between the machine and the wall.

Of course, just like the drone machine gun gameplay in the past, it’s hard to tell when Respawn will make changes to such a gameplay, but this is also a feature of hero shooting games. You can always find interesting bugs. If you are lucky, You can find fun and useful bugs.

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