Apple Advertising Services Terms Will Be Updated by Apple

2023-07-19 12:00:00

The terms of service of Apple archyde news Services will undergo some changes soon. As noted by AppleInsiderApple updated the document page with the news, which will come into effect from the day august 8.

With 724 more words compared to current versionwhich has been in effect since June 2021, the document is a large compilation of the rules that must be followed by advertisers who are interested in using the Apple platform.

One of the big changes in the new document concerns Apple’s use of advertiser data. According to the company, this data can be used both to provide the service itself and to analyze what needs to be improved in it or for purposes.

Elsewhere, in the section where Apple talks about its right to reject ad content, an excerpt was added in which the company states that it may request changes to the ad content or modify it in a “non-material” way, as well as that the terms of the agreement should not be interpreted as an endorsement by the company of any content present in the advertisements.

Already in a completely new section on incentives, Apple says that it can offer some offers (credits, promotions, discounts, etc.) to the advertiser or other eligible users as a way of encouraging them to use the platform.

Still according to the AppleInsiderApple also removed a large amount of snippets related to regional tax obligations and requirements — most of which will be migrated to separate pages, which have yet to be created.

#Apple #archyde news #Services #Terms #Updated #Apple

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