Apple executives before the overall iPad business decline: users no longer know what to buy

A former Apple executive said that the iPad business is declining because “consumers don’t know what the iPad can be used for,” and that the iPad has no unique value.

Jean-Louis Gassee, a former Apple executive and long-time Apple commentator, believes that the best period of iPad sales was in 2014, but the overall sales and business have declined since then. The more important reason behind the decline is that consumers do not know that the iPad can what is it used for.

He also believes that the current positioning of the iPad is not clear. The iPad must better complete some key tasks and better accomplish some “really important” things, so that certain tasks are most valuable only on tablets, and these values ​​​​are in It does not appear on laptops or smartphones.

He pointed out that many users hope that the iPad can work like a MacBook, and the application scenarios of the iPad are getting narrower and narrower. However, Apple CEO Timothy Donald Cook does not agree with this view. He has repeatedly emphasized in public that “the iPad clearly expresses our views on the future of personal products.”

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