Apple Warns Against Putting iPhone in Bag of Rice: Here’s What to Do Instead

Title: The Reality Behind Saving a Wet iPhone in Rice and What to Do Instead

Taking proper care of our smartphones is essential, especially when it comes to protecting them from water damage. One of the most common remedies suggested over the years has been putting a wet iPhone in a bag of rice. This method, believed to remove moisture from the device, has been widely popular but is now being questioned by experts. Apple, too, has officially warned users against this practice, citing potential damage caused by small particles of rice.

Contrary to popular belief, uncooked rice may not be as effective at drying out a wet iPhone as previously thought. It has been discovered that the dry, absorbent properties of rice can actually introduce unwanted particles into the delicate internal components of the device. This revelation has led Apple to advise against using rice as a remedy for water-logged iPhones. Moreover, testing has also revealed that uncooked rice may not accelerate the drying process as anticipated.

The widespread misconception behind using rice can be traced to a historical belief dating back to 1946, originally aimed at preserving cameras. Many panicked phone users are quick to resort to desperate measures such as using a hairdryer or even submerging the device in alcohol. However, these methods can be risky and should be avoided.

Apple, recognizing the need for proper guidance, recommends the following steps when encountering a “liquid detected” alert while trying to charge a wet iPhone:

  1. First, unplug the charging cable from both ends.
  2. Gently tap the phone against your hand, with the connector facing down, to remove excess liquid.
  3. Leave the device to dry for at least half an hour.
  4. If the phone and charging cable are completely dry, attempt to charge the device again.
  5. If the initial attempt fails, try charging the device after 24 hours.

Furthermore, there are other precautions to keep in mind if your phone gets doused:

  • Avoid drying your iPhone using external heat sources or compressed air.
  • Avoid inserting foreign objects, such as cotton swabs or paper towels, into the charging port.

If your iPhone is completely unresponsive, it is crucial to turn it off immediately and refrain from pressing any buttons. The subsequent steps should be adjusted according to your specific circumstances:

  1. Dry the phone using a towel.
  2. Place the device in an airtight container along with silica packets, if available.
  3. Avoid charging the device until you are confident it has thoroughly dried.

While many modern smartphones, including iPhones, are water-resistant, unforeseen liquid mishaps can still occur. It is important to be prepared and aware of the correct actions to take in such situations. Remember, swift and appropriate responses will greatly increase the chances of salvaging a water-damaged iPhone.

This article sheds light on the misconceptions surrounding the infamous “rice remedy” and emphasizes the importance of following Apple’s recommended steps. As technology advances, it is crucial to stay informed about proper smartphone care, especially with regards to water damage prevention.

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