Appoint new national authorities of the Psuv and Jpsuv

The new Code of Ethics of the red awning was approved.

Courtesy Presidential Press | The party congress was held at the Teresa Carreño Theater

The president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Nicolás Maduro, swore in this Saturday the representatives of the three instances that make up the National Directorate of the red awning.

From the Teresa Carreño Theater, in Caracas, Diosdado Cabello was ratified as the first vice president of the red awning, Luís Reyes Reyes will continue to lead the National Political Council, while the young Grecia Colmenares was appointed as the new PSUV Youth Secretary. . In addition, Maduro was re-elected as president of the party.

“It is a partial and necessary renewal to go hand in hand with popular power (…). Here nobody comes to row backwards, we all come to row forward the great ship of the Homeland (…). Chávez sowed on fertile land and we have managed to forge and build several generations of top-level leaders,” said the also national president.

In that sense, he pointed out that the National Directorate of the Party has fulfilled the oath made to the Supreme Commander of the Bolivarian Revolution, Hugo Chávez. “An oath of allegiance, and we continue with allegiance by renewing spirit and strength.”

In the national direction are: Cilia Flores, Jorge Rodríguez, Delcy Rodríguez, Héctor Rodríguez, Tarek El Aissami, Adán Chávez, Jorge Arreaza, Eduardo Piñate, Carmen Meléndez and Julio León Heredia.

In addition to Pedro Carreño, Pedro Infante, Freddy Bernal, Iris Varela, Víctor Clark, Yelitze Santaella, Francisco Amelicach, Luis José Marcano, Nicolás Maduro Guerra, Erika Farías, Blanca Eekhout and Rodbexa Poleo.

They are also: Mervin Maldonado, Diva Guzmán, Tania Díaz Jehyson Guzmán, José Alejandro Terán, Rander Peña, Gabriela Peña, Antonio Galindez, Jesús Faría, Fidel Vásquez, Ricardo Molina, Alexis Rodríguez Cabello, Jacqueline Faría, Julio Chávez, Francisco Torrealba and Nahum Fernandez.

While in the political leadership are: María León, Noelí Pocaterra, María Cristiana Iglesias, Marelys Pérez Marcano, Rodolfo Sanz, Julio Escalona, ​​Edgardo Ramírez, Williams Fariñas and Fernando Soto Rojas.

Others are: Ramón Rodríguez Chacín, Ernesto Villegas, Francisco Arias, Farruco Sesto, Gerardo Márquez, José Gregorio Vielma Mora, Nelson Merentes, Isis Ochoa, Mayerling Arias, Hugbel Roa, Desiree Santos Amaral, Wilmar Castro Soteldo and Jesús Martínez Barrios.

New youth directive

“I call on the youth to loving and creative criticism, transforming the 3R.Nets, towards 2030. The future belongs to you and we are building it”,

In this regard, he swore in the leaders Eirimar Malavé, América Pérez, Alejandra Cedeño, Génesis Garvett, Genifer Garvett, Aurora Paredes, Yosneisy Paredes, Isamari Matute, Oliver Guzmán, among other young people who will be at the forefront of the PSUV youth political debate.

Similarly, he urged the new leaders to maintain the utmost honesty in the performance of their duties. “Be careful with the steps, do not be influenced by anyone,” he said.

Approved the Code of Ethics

In addition, the new Code of Ethics was approved. With the phrase “Compliance!”, Maduro endorsed the regulation comprised of 31 articles and five chapters, whose provisions will allow regulating the conduct and actions of the revolutionaries.

Among the objectives of the Code of Ethics, Honesty and Revolutionary Discipline are: to establish the ethical and disciplinary norms applicable to militancy; strengthen the behavior of the militant in correspondence with the Bolivarian, socialist, revolutionary and Chavista values ​​and principles; raise the revolutionary quality of the PSUV militancy; combat the deviations and deformations that could arise within the militancy, as well as promote the development of women and the new man as a guarantee for progress towards Bolivarian socialism.

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