Arrest of Alleged FARC Members at Anuel AA Concert Sparks Chaos

2024-01-08 13:01:36

The Intelligence and Arrest Bureau arrested five alleged members of the criminal organization known as the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Cantera (FARC) this morning after a confusing incident was recorded in the vicinity of the Monte Hatillo residential complex, in Río Piedras, during a free concert of the urban music exponent Anuel AA.

According to preliminary data provided by Inspector José Fontánez, director of the office, at around 3:26 am the agents noticed a Toyota Tacoma bus that was heading towards the activity in a suspicious attitude. When they were stopped they tried to flee through the street. Monte Carlo Avenue, where they entered through a dead end street where they were arrested. One of those arrested was identified by the nickname Vaquero.

A rifle and two pistols were confiscated from the truck.

“Several of the detainees have criminal records,” said Fontánez.

It was clarified that no such riot arose as initially reported, but rather that as word of the arrests spread, people chose to look for a safe place or go to their apartments.

Emmanuel Gazmey Santiago, given name of the reggaeton singer, who has been involved in multiple controversies such as the recent ‘tiraera’ with Arcángel, the cancellation of his “Las Leyendas siempre Mueren” tour, his separation from ‘Yailín, La más Viral’, among many others. scandals, assured before the activity that his decision to offer this concert free of charge is because “not everyone has the money or the financial comfort to buy tickets for a concert at the Hiram or the Choliseo. “I’m going to have this party celebrating Christmas, New Years and Three Kings.”

#members #FARC #arrested #vicinity #Monte #Hatillo

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