Artificial empathy: AI with ‘feelings’ wants to create a true connection with humans

2023-06-20 13:00:00

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is on the rise in the world of technology and is expanding more and more. While generative models such as the ChatGPT, are widely explored, other concepts begin to emerge. This is the case of so-called artificial empathy.

The model was introduced by the company, founded by therapist Scott Sandland. The company’s robots promise to have emotional intelligence and other skills that make the user feel heard through warm and empathetic communication.

“Empathy isn’t just being sad if someone else is sad, it’s wanting to help. If you’ve had a bad day, saying ‘I’m sorry’ is sympathy; saying ‘how can I make it better?’ it’s empathy. We want the system to consider our feelings, state of mind, priorities and values. And help solve relevant problems”.

Scott Sandland, in an interview with Tilt.’s artificial empathy is still in the testing phase, but it already works in real situations. AI assists car dealers at a Honda dealership in the United States. So far, the model has not replaced human sellers.

economy and market
20 Jun

19 Jun

Sandland explained that empathetic AI works alongside humans to offer the best arguments for each trade. Depending on the customer profile, the model suggests the best way to talk about prices, cars and other tips.

As it quickly understands the intention of each customer, the robot makes 26% more sales and in 44% less time than an employee acting alone, according to the company. The tool is being expanded to businesses in other branches, such as real estate.

digital therapist

However, Sandland said his goal is not to use the robot with empathy just to sell, but to build a “digital therapist”. With the good results at the dealership, the testing phase as a therapist has already begun, with 50 professionals.

Scott highlighted that the robot will not replace real psychologists, for now, but it will do complementary tasks that expand the service, such as mediating support groups for young people in vulnerable situations or helping to control an anxiety crisis.

The work in the future

Still according to Sandland, its objective is not to take away the jobs of human professionals, but only to optimize the processes as a whole. The businessman said that the moment we live in is comparable to other technological revolutions that have impacted professions.

“In some cases, people want human contact, to feel a connection, to shake hands. In others, full automation makes sense, but it’s a mistake to have that in everything, just to cut costs. We need to think about the impact to people, not the cheapest”.

Scott Sandland, in an interview with Tilt.

The idea is that robots function as co-pilots for humans. However, advances in AI made people lose their jobs and also concerns specialists in the world of technology, who They even talk about the extinction of humanity. not future.

And you, what do you think about the advancement of AI? Tell us in the comments down below!

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#Artificial #empathy #feelings #create #true #connection #humans

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