Artificial intelligence ignites a crisis in Egypt because of the “Nightingale” sound | Art stars

2023-05-29 21:00:00

Artificial intelligence technology caused a new artistic crisis, after the voice of the late Nightingale Abdel Halim Hafez was used in songs by the artist Amr Diab by a design consultant, engineer Mohamed Shukry El Khouly.

In the details, El-Khouly used the voice of the late artist Abdel Halim Hafez in a group of songs by singer Amr Diab.

On this, Al-Khouli says that the project is completely unofficial and is under trial, explaining, on his official Facebook page, that the purpose of the project is scientific research and development and keeping pace with global development, and that the use of the Nightingale’s voice is only an initial preliminary experiment.

He added that all artists’ rights as melodies and lyrics are reserved to them, also highlighting that the image of the nightingale was made by artificial intelligence and does not exist in reality.

“Failed and very bad experience.”

On the other hand, Muhammad Shabana, the son of the Nightingale’s brother, issued a statement on his Facebook page, in which he said: “During the past days, some attempts were made to use my uncle Abdel Halim’s voice with artificial intelligence technology and superimpose it on modern songs, and it was a failed and very bad experience.”

He continued, “We will take legal measures against the perpetrator, because this is a distortion of the history and message of my uncle, the artist Abdel Halim Hafez, and then any person, entity or company that will do this act will be subject to legal accountability, and we will take all deterrent measures against it.”

And he added, “Abdul Halim’s voice is purely owned by his family and no one else, and everyone should be careful not to circulate these offensive clips, and if the family wants to use this technology one day, it will be of the highest degree of quality, craftsmanship and technology for the enjoyment of the lovers of the brown nightingale, and this will be with the satisfaction of his fans and lovers.” If he asks us to do so, and God is the Grantor of success.”

Source: Sky News Arabia

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