Artists of Peshawar who make sculptures out of mud

Arbab Hashim, a resident of Peshawar, has made hundreds of famous figures from mud which are kept in his residence.

Arbab has been sculpting and painting for the past 20 years and his sculptures include national and international celebrities.

Arbab Hashim says that it was written in his destiny to become a sculptor and thus he accidentally got engrossed in this world.

He says that in sculpture and painting you have to resort to music, music is closely related to all fine arts. Music gets you into rhythm and music also improves your timing.

According to Arbab Hashim, he did not want to make a statue of Hitler in the statues of famous personalities because most of the wise and knowledgeable people had died because of him. But because of his fame, Hashem was forced to make a statue of Hitler.

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He said that in the current era where extremism is increasing day by day in Pakistan, he likes to build a statue of Pervez Hoodbhai (Pakistani scientist) and he considers it an honor for him that Pervez Hoodbhai Sitting in front and they are making a statue of him.

Arbab Hashim says that the government of the time has not given any value to the artists and has not given them the position they should have been given.

They do not have the same status in Pakistan as artists in Europe and America. Where there are sick, there are doctors, so work through this art is very important in Pakistan instead of Europe and America.’

With their resources, they also organize exhibition events in different places of Peshawar regarding fine arts and especially sculpture.

Arbab Hashim is also demanding the government to create academies at the official level to keep this art alive and to provide opportunities to children and the elderly who are fond of this art and thanks to this, the message of peace and reform of the society can be given. could

#Artists #Peshawar #sculptures #mud
2024-08-13 05:45:29



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