Ascension Day in Colombia 2024: Celebrating the Religious Holiday and its Impact on Tourism and Economy

2024-05-12 21:32:49

May 13 is considered a holiday in Colombia in 2024, marked by a religious activity: Ascension Day. This celebration commemorates a crucial event in Christian history that is the ascension of Jesus Christ to heaven after his resurrection.

>>> Vea: What is commemorated during the religious holidays of 2024 in Colombia? Learn about these traditions

What is Ascension Day?

Ascension Day is a Christian holiday that It is celebrated 40 days after Resurrection Sunday of Holy Week. In Colombia, however, it is calculated by adding 43 days later to ensure that this date always falls on a Monday. This way, It is never repeated on the calendar and varies year after year.

Origin and meaning

The Ascension of Jesus is one of the most important moments in the Christian faith. After his resurrection, Jesus spent 40 days teaching his disciples and leaving them instructions to continue his mission.

Ascension Day marks the end of this period and It symbolizes the physical departure of Jesus from Earth to heaven. According to the traditionascended before the eyes of his faithful, who saw him rise until he disappeared in the clouds.

>>> Read about: Holidays in Colombia 2024: when is the next one?

Social and economic impact of the holiday

May 13, being a non-working day, offers Colombians the possibility of enjoying a long Mother’s Day weekend. This not only benefits people looking for a break, but also It boosts the local economy, since many take the opportunity to travel, visit tourist places or simply enjoy recreational activities.

The Emiliani Law and the festive long weekends

The Emiliani Law has expanded the number of holidays in Colombia, making it one of the calendars with the most holidays in Latin America.

This legislation seeks to allow workers to enjoy long weekends, which in turn benefits tourism and local commerce. In the current year, in There are a total of 19 public holidays in the country.

>>> Also see: How to take advantage of the 2024 holidays to travel through Colombia? Follow these tips

#holiday #Colombia

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