Assault on a doctor at the Obispo Polanco Hospital in Teruel

Exteriors of the Obispo Polanco Hospital.

The National Police of Teruel has arrested a 38-year-old man after assaulting several doctors of the Emergency Department of the Bishop Polanco Hospital in Teruel, whom he allegedly hit with his head repeatedly.

The events date back to last january 5, when the agents were required, through the Cimacc Room 091, to appear in the Emergency Service of the Obispo Polanco Hospital, where apparently there was a patient who was behaving aggressively against doctors.

After arriving at the scene, the police met with a doctor from the Emergency Service, who told them that the later arrested had come to push him and hit him with his head in the face, to end up beating the existing furniture and threatening the health personnel present there.

The National Police proceeded to arrest the accused for the aggressive and defiant behavior that he manifested towards the health professionals, passing this to police units. Once there, the detainee was handed over to Teruel’s Investigating Court number 2, and was later released.

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