At 80, Camille parachutes for the first time in her life: here’s why she does it

Camille, a resident of a nursing home in Anderlecht, had a unique experience this Saturday. At 80, she parachuted for the first time in her life. A moment suspended in tribute to his seriously ill son.

1,500 meters of fall to cross the sky… At 80 years old, Camille realizes her greatest dream: to plunge into the void at more than 250 km/h.

A dream or rather a challenge. Because if she went to Temploux this Saturday, it was to prove to her disabled son that she is capable of it. “I told him that his mom was also a little crazy from the cabeça (note: mad about the head) like him. I told him: ‘mum is going to parachute’. And he was like ‘Aaah!’“, says Camille.

Here is Jean-Luc, photographed while he is surrounded by his loved ones.

A wonderful son despite the vagaries of life. 20 years ago, he was paralyzed following a work accident. “I will think of him very strongly“, Camille tells us. Our journalist points out to her that she seems moved. “Yes, when I talk about him, often“, she replies.

We’re going down to 240 km/h

We follow Camille on her adventure. Before the adrenaline rush, head to the briefing for a first scenario.

A few minutes before the start, the pressure mounts. “How low do we go like that?“, asks the lady.”Between us, we will go down to 240 km/h. Tomorrow you can go to the hairdresser“, says the instructor with humor.

That’s it: the signal is given. Camille will soon go from dream to reality. “That’s great, see you downstairs“, she says to us when boarding.

4,000 meters higher, the door opens. Outside temperature: 3 degrees. A last smile and then the big shiver. In the sky, Camille takes advantage of this precious moment. 35 seconds of freefall in the middle of the clouds.

On the ground, Véronique, her daughter, observes her. She is a little worried. “I hope she has a blast. But me, it makes me funny“, she tells us. We ask her if she would have done it.”Oh no, me no. Certainly not!“, she reacts.

Camille’s baptism of the day is successful to the end. “It’s fantastic“, she confides to us after touching the ground.

Images engraved forever in his memory. This Saturday evening, Camille was able to show them to her son and tell him that mom did it: jump into the unknown just for him.

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