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The year 2021 was decisive for the fight against Covid-19 in the Central African Republic, even if this landlocked country remains less affected by the effects of this global pandemic. The head of state Faustin Archange Touadera, during his speech review of the year noted with satisfaction the mobilization of more than 5 million doses of vaccines of which nearly one million five hundred thousand have already been received. “Thus, in 2021, we recorded more than 500,000 first-time vaccinations, or about 17% of the national target, and 9% of the population were fully vaccinated”, said President Touadera. These figures place the Central African Republic above the average observed in the African Region by the WHO which is 5.7%, which is a feat for a country in crisis. “I would therefore like to thank and congratulate all the national and international players in the fight, humanitarian NGOs and the Pasteur Institute in Bangui, for the sacrifices made to save our populations. I take this opportunity to renew our gratitude to the COVAX Facility, to the United States of America and to the People’s Republic of China who have been our main suppliers of vaccines ”, launches the president. For the president, the goal for 2022 is to vaccinate at least 70% of the total population, in accordance with the objectives set by the African Union. But, in spite of these encouraging results, it has been observed in recent months an upsurge in deaths of unvaccinated people. The number of positive cases also doubled between November and December. The president therefore took this opportunity to reiterate his call for mobilization and compliance with all preventive measures, because “It is the combination of surveillance, vaccination and barrier measures that will better protect the population against this pandemic and limit its spread and impact”. 90 billion FCFA mobilized for health in 2022 President Faustin Archange Touadera announced that in the area of ​​health, the Government has mobilized 90 billion 500 million FCFA from technical and financial partners. “We have recorded a reduction in the mortality of the mother / child couple, which fell from 283 in 2020 to 212 in 2021, or 25%, thanks to the implementation of the ten (10) areas of presidential impetus. Our country has confirmed its status of wild polio-free country awarded by the WHO in August 2020 “. To accelerate the reduction of maternal and infant mortality, the president announces the launch in 2022 of two new initiatives, namely: “Zero malaria-related deaths in children under 5” and “Zero dose vaccine in children”.

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