At what age do women lose their libido and no longer need men?

In the life of every woman, there inevitably comes a time when she no longer needs a partner and has no interest in it! But how to explain this lack of desire? Are women programmed to lose their libido at a particular age or is it a phenomenon due to natural fluctuations? According to a study, there is indeed a specific age when their sexual desire drops. Let’s take a closer look!

It must be said, the libido is unique to everyone! Notwithstanding, according to a study carried out by German and Scottish scientists and relayed by The Sun, women experience a drop in sexual desire at a certain age. Decryption!

End of sexual desire: when does a woman’s libido end?

Indeed, according to researcher Larissa Lucia Wieczorek, doctoral student in educational psychology and personality development at the University of Hamburg, sexual desire is associated with the need to found a family (family planning), which is why it becomes more intense in moment when the instinct of motherhood and the desire to be a mother is the most obsessive.

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Confusion in a couple. Source: spm

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Needs and wants differ greatly from person to person, regardless of sex, gender and can vary according to various circumstances. If at some point some women choose to live without a life partner, others, on the contrary, continue to have romantic encounters. The important thing in all of this is that everyone can have the freedom and the choice to live as they see fit! That said, there are reasons why female libido decreases. Bring your coffee and join us to explore this topic together.

What are the reasons for the decline or loss of sexual desire in women?

It is almost impossible to question the libido of men, and we know perfectly well that they are the reasons for it! But what about women and the reasons why their sexual desire drops or disappears?

  1. Menopause

If for some women, menopause is a taboo subject, it is considered by others as a natural process that occurs between the ages of 45 and 55. A period characterized by a significant drop in estrogen production and which brings its share of symptoms due to physical and hormonal changes, including: a permanent cessation of menstruation, mood swings, hot flashes, or even vaginal dryness… which can, among other things, cause libido problems. Moreover, in a study published in the scientific journal Menopause“, one in 7 women aged 65 to 79 has hypoactive sexual desire disorder. However, we bring to your attention that there are treatments (such as hormone therapy) that help manage the symptoms of menopause, including low libido. A visit to the doctor is essential in this case!

Couple visiting the doctor

Couple visiting the doctor. Source: spm

  1. childhood traumatic experiences

The traumatic experiences of childhood or adolescence manifest sooner or later in adulthood! When they reappear, they affect a woman’s emotional and interpersonal relationships; the fear of betrayal, rejection or separation can, at one time or another, cause emotional indifference, thus leading to a feeling of loneliness, even when the person is well surrounded. As a result, the woman no longer feels this ardent desire to have a man by her side.

  1. Being a single mother

For a single mother or should we say “SUPERWOMAN”, finding the balance between her personal life and her role as a mother is a real challenge that she must take up on a daily basis. The responsibility qwhat she has towards her child prevents her from going out and meeting new lovers. A routine, which as time passes, makes him lose “his feminine energy” and ends up getting used to this new situation. As a result, she experiences indifference to communicating with the opposite sex.

  1. The divorce

For many women, a divorce is a traumatic event and a real source of stress that can cause loss of libido, thus causing a loss of interest in romantic relationships. Moreover, some divorced women prefer, in this case, to meet new people without making a long-term commitment, because they no longer perceive men as protectors and life partners who can provide them with support and unconditional love. In addition and with children, the divorced woman no longer finds the time to take care of herself, even less when it comes to arousing sexual desire.

To deepen your knowledge, we invite you to watch this video by Camille Bataillon, sexologist, who explains “the causes of low libido in women”:

At what age do women no longer need men?

Elderly Woman on a Yoga Mat

Elderly Woman on a Yoga Mat. Source: spm

At first glance, this question seems somewhat strange, but it must be said that there is a very close relationship between a woman’s libido and whether she is satisfied or not in her life. This is also one of the factors that determines her desire and her need to have a man by her side. In fact, there is no particular age (because women don’t talk about it much), but according to researchers, the decrease or drop in libido appears between the ages of 30 and 59, and more precisely during quarantine.

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Contrary to what many people think, although it changes over time, a woman’s sexuality does not come on and go at a specific age. That said, lack or absence of sexual desire, a woman can quite live independently and enjoy life to the fullest without having to worry about the presence of “Prince Charming”!

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