Attainable nuclear strike? Medvedev threatens Poland with “radioactive ash”

The Pole Sikorski had spoken to the British newspaper “The Guardian” about how the USA would presumably react to a Russian use of nuclear weapons towards Ukraine.

“The People instructed the Russians that should you detonate a nuclear bomb, even when it does not kill anybody, we’ll hit all of your targets in Ukraine with standard weapons, we’ll destroy all of them,” Sikorski instructed the paper. Poland is considered one of Ukraine’s strongest supporters.

The US didn’t say something like that “as a result of they’re extra cautious,” Medvedev wrote on the social community X. “If People hit our targets, it means a world struggle, and a international minister, even of a rustic like Poland, ought to perceive that,” the deputy head of the Russian Safety Council wrote on Sunday.

“Is that what you need?”

He claimed that Polish President Andrzej Duda had requested for tactical nuclear weapons from the US to be stationed in Poland. “Warsaw is not going to be omitted and will definitely get its share of radioactive ash. Is that what you need?” Medvedev added. Duda mentioned in April that Poland was prepared to simply accept NATO nuclear weapons as a counterweight to the stationing of Russian tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus.

Throughout his time as president from 2008 to 2012, Medvedev was thought-about Russia’s liberal hope. Because the Russian assault on Ukraine, nonetheless, he has developed into one of many largest hardliners and defends the struggle with inflammatory posts on social networks.

Sikorski’s feedback are prone to check with the autumn of 2022. US media have repeatedly reported that the management in Washington on the time had the impression that Moscow could possibly be getting ready to make use of a nuclear bomb in Ukraine. It was communicated to the Kremlin that the US wouldn’t reply to this with nuclear weapons, however with different forceful means, it was mentioned on the time.


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