Australia detects ‘first case of hen flu’ in Thailand

2024-05-23 17:46:12

(Xinhua Information Company file photograph: Folks eat in a restaurant contained in the Australian Museum of Up to date Artwork. Held in Sydney, Australia on Might 17, 2024)

Xinhua Information Company, Sydney, Might 23 (Xinhua) The Victoria State Well being Workplace issued a public well being alert on Wednesday. Australia’s first human an infection with the H5N1 avian influenza virus (H5N1) was detected in a baby who returned from abroad in March.

Studies point out that the affected person has now made a full restoration after experiencing extreme signs beforehand. There may be at the moment no proof of transmission inside the state. As a result of the illness is tough to unfold from individual to individual, the prospect of additional transmission to people is slim.

The state Division of Agriculture reported that day that the avian influenza virus had been detected in poultry at an egg farm close to Meredith. It is a rural city 80 kilometers west of Melbourne, however exams present it isn’t linked to any human circumstances.

The company’s assertion added that poultry farmers and hen homeowners who uncover unexplained deaths of poultry ought to report the data to authorities.

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