Austrian Biathletes in World Cup Points Rankings: Tamara Steiner’s Success and Lisa Hauser’s Challenges

2023-12-01 15:05:35

With Tamara Steiner, another Austrian made it into the World Cup points rankings. The Styrian made no mistakes and ended up in 30th place, 1:38.6 minutes behind Anna Gandler (+2:07.2 min./3 penalties) and Kristina Oberthaler (+2:14.6 min./1 penalty lap). ) also qualified for the pursuit with ranks 45 and 50. Anna Juppe took 73rd place (+2:59.9 min./4 penalties).


Lisa Hauser (Rang 22): “A mistake at the shooting range is ok, but for a really good result in the sprint you just need a zero. In terms of running, it was okay, I feel a little better from race to race, but I have to fight for everything very hard and it doesn’t really come easily. So it’s a tough start here in Östersund and the temperatures were extremely difficult today because it was colder than in the past few days.”

Tamara Steiner (Rang 30): “I did everything right again at the shooting range with a zero, but I still had a lot of trouble running. But we are at the beginning of the season and I hope that things are going in the right direction on the Lopie.”

#Hauser #Austrian #sprint

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