Avenue Charles Quint: New 28-Storey Skyscraper and Housing Units for Brussels Entrance

2023-06-15 06:30:00

The entrance to Brussels via avenue Charles Quint should soon have a new lighthouse. On an urban canker at the intersection between Avenue Charles Quint and Chaussée de Zellik, the Tree Life group intends to build a 90-meter high tower accompanied by three smaller blocks of a maximum of 6 floors. 164 housing units are planned for the site, mainly 2-bedroom units (92).

A 28-storey American-style skyscraper for the entrance to Brussels, avenue Charles Quint ©DR;

The project also includes 199 parking spaces for cars and motorcycles and 488 bicycle spaces. The building is particularly inspired by the Flatiron Building in New York, a building made famous by its narrowness.

A 28-storey American-style skyscraper for the entrance to Brussels, avenue Charles Quint ©DR;

The ground floor and first floor will house three shops over an area of ​​1,510m² (1 retail store and 2 large specialized areas) and equipment of collective interest or public service over 1,038m².

For Mayor Christian Lamouline (Les Engagés), this project is a real opportunity. “It will bring 500 new inhabitants. Between an urban canker or this project there is no photo, I prefer this project. On the tower concept, especially of this height, it is not possible on 98% of the territory of the municipality, but here, with the Volvo offices or the L’Oréal tower, it will fit in well. In addition, this project will have a landmark role, a gateway to Brussels. I also obtained that an entrance for the car park is via Charles Quint Avenue (but no exit so as not to block traffic). That way, we don’t send all future residents back to Avenue de Zellik.”

A 28-storey American-style skyscraper for the entrance to Brussels, avenue Charles Quint ©DR;
A 28-storey American-style skyscraper for the entrance to Brussels, avenue Charles Quint ©DR;

Regarding the future allocation of collective equipment, the Mayor has no information yet. The promoter had thought of a crèche but the study for the project showed that there were already quite a few in the area.

The public inquiry has just ended for this project which will go to a consultation committee to collect the opinions of the municipality and the region on June 29. This is not the first time that promoters will come before this commission. A previous version of the project had already been proposed with a more stocky tower and higher small blocks.

A 28-storey American-style skyscraper for the entrance to Brussels, avenue Charles Quint ©DR;

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