Baalbek celebrates the artist George Khabbaz – Al-Binaa Newspaper

organized association «feather and sing» evening in Hall Hotel «Palmyra» in Baalbek under Title: «Baalbek celebrate Bjorge Khabaz»، Share president municipality Baalbek Fouad blog, and crowd From Events artistic and cultural and social.

And Arabic boss Association noble a gift About pride by artist George Khabazthat Come to me city Baalbek pregnant All Fulfillment and love to stay bfnh upscale tall Kashmukh fort Baalbek”.

trusted Poet Talal Haider that «George Khabaz on me plank The theater he is crowd From Artists in man One, guess it’s a Live bodies many All One Of which embody meaning of, like suddenly, carry you to me joy transcend joy Because she become astonishment. George Khabaz Writes with his body Poems no Realize her magic Except knowers in some ways Magic, Artist genius or crazy, picking From gardens joy roses decorate out paths life for sirens in time».

seal: «this is country that stabs in the heart, and ridicule in noon, Nor Relationship decorations Except on me coffins, no still Live in Forgetting, And we thank Allah that there Germany reveal genius From Lebanon its name George Khabaz to move the art seventh From Germany to me the scientist».

and the Kausar Miqdad the artist Khabaz, I saw it’s aRepresent humanity in his words and songs Wafane sweet Such as his soul, and why be his journey to me stardom easy, but she was made with challenges, frightened, sadly, and have receipt to me his creativity artistic after exhaustion from him Tired”.

confirmed blog thatBaalbek nice to meet you by artist George Khabaz, And with this Attendees distinguished, thank you and appreciation for every From Discipline and sought to succeed this Meeting. and municipality Baalbek appreciate high above this is Activities cultural and artistic and business the play, Which stand supportive for every Organizations And congregations that Seeking to highlight the face cultural And the culture for the city and the picture the real shining for her children, your dad open her heart for every Lebanese and accept its visitors welcome”.

And then He said Khabaz: “Ago my entry to me Baalbek and see me the castle impressed Much, she is give us Hope with glory and endurance. And there two types From People, who are they From Resembles the birds that no Could you live if did not migrate, and of them Such as trees that no Can live if did notyashlashin his land despite All storms and infringement and fires and the problems So We were trees We that no forget the birds, If We were birds We that no forget the trees”.

. added: «or Baalbek splendor, may be What your manganese, What menkafeki, and all ly Gnolk their souls vicky, Wally Amroki their faces on me your stones, paternal uncle draw your news, and death with your secrets, And her silence are you talking and inform This is the story for days ly somewhere and screamed or Baalbek splendor may be What your manganese, What Mankafeki».

And the end with a song «I grew up girls» that Share it Attendees in its performance.

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