Bae Hyun-jin’s name for ‘angry’ remarks?… Democrats “losing parliamentary authority”


People’s Power Rep. Bae Hyun-jin’s so-called ‘angry’ remarks, the Democratic Party is on the offensive every day. They are threatening to expel the members of the National Assembly, saying that they have undermined the authority of the National Assembly. There was even an argument that it should be dealt with before the inauguration ceremony of President-elect Yoon Seok-yeol. Meanwhile, Democratic Party lawmaker Choi Kang-wook has been on the cutting edge of controversy over sexually harassing remarks. Let’s take a look at the relevant content in pompous politics.


[배현진/국민의힘 의원 : 당신의 그 앙증맞은 몸을 저희 국민의힘 의원 위로 밟고 지나가기 위해서 구둣발로 저희 여성들을 걷어차며 용맹하게 이 국회의장석으로 올라오셨습니다.]

People’s Power Rep. Bae Hyun-jin’s ‘cute body’ remarks! The Democrats are raising their voice every day that they will expel Rep. Bae.

[윤호중/더불어민주당 공동비상대책위원장 (CBS ‘김현정의 뉴스쇼’) : 국민의힘 의원들이 한 이런 국회선진화법 위반이라든가 아니면 또 국회의원으로서의 품위를 지키지 못하고 국회의 권위를 스스로 실추시킨 이런 일들에 대해서는 반드시 책임을 묻겠습니다.]

The power of the people is, in a word, absurd. It was last August. We have summoned what happened at the time the media arbitration law was dealt with.

[신주호/국민의힘 부대변인 (음성대역 / 5월 2일) : 민주당 김승원 의원은 박병석 의장을 향해 ‘GSGG’라는 표현을 써가며 비하하지 않았나. 입에 담기조차 힘든 원색적 비난에 민주당은 “김 의원에 대한 징계 논의는 없다”라고 하지 않았나. 치졸한 행태를 버리길 바란다.]

In a nutshell, it is a double standard. In the Democratic Party, Rep. Bae Hyun-jin and Rep. Kim Seung-won are a completely different matter! I didn’t give up. Rep. Bae said that at the plenary session, but Rep. Kim was just writing online. Moreover, the expression ‘GSGG’ written by Rep. Kim! Contrary to the usual interpretation, it was explained that it was not abusive language.

[윤호중/더불어민주당 공동비상대책위원장 (CBS ‘김현정의 뉴스쇼’) : 그게 굿 거버넌스, 뭐 이런 뜻이다. 그런 얘기도 있었습니다. (굿 거버넌스. 그거는 근데 조금 억지스럽다, 이런 얘기가 더 많기는 했어요, 해명이.) 예.]

An explanation that I am not confident in myself! Why do you have to put the four-legged? Kim Seung-won’s claim that GSGG is good governance! Was it controversial at the time?

[정진석/국회부의장 (CBS ‘김현정의 뉴스쇼’ / 지난해 9월 1일) : 거번먼트 서브 제너럴 G(Government Serve General G)라고 돼 있더라고요. (예, 그 뜻이었다.) 이게 무슨 ‘정치권은 국민의 일반 의지에 서브를 해야 된다’ 이런 구차한 변명. 국회가 핫바지입니까? 이렇게 만들어서는 안 돼서 국회 윤리위를 열어서 당연히 이거는 징계 절차를 밟겠습니다.]

Rep. Kim doesn’t give a separate explanation for ‘G’, what kind of nonsense! It even spread to the airspace.

It’s ridiculous as if Girls’ Generation suddenly appeared in the middle of my presentation. Belatedly, an ‘English commentator’ appeared. G is an abbreviation for ‘Good’.

[박성준/더불어민주당 의원 (CBS ‘김현정의 뉴스쇼’ / 지난해 9월 3일) : 제너럴 굿이라는 용어를 많이 씁니다, 미국에서도 그렇고. 공동선.]

[김은혜/국민의힘 경기지사 후보 (CBS ‘김현정의 뉴스쇼’ / 지난해 9월 3일) : 제네럴 굿은 잡화점에서 파는 잡화예요. 신발이나 그런 거 있잖아요.]

Who is right? Common good and miscellaneous goods! It’s an interpretation with quite a bit of variance. What you need at a time like this is a correspondent from Washington! It’s a coat of arms. Commissioner, weren’t you doing something else? Please explain from a professional point of view.

In the sense of common good or common good, the word common good is used more often than the expression general good. It’s not that it doesn’t make sense. However, when referring to miscellaneous goods, general goods, s must be attached.

He is also the Chief of Staff. I didn’t go-stop the Washington correspondent! Once I confirmed it. The director did a great job explaining it, but it’s really not that important. The expression ‘GSGG’! Why did they even post such a necessary term on social media? Rep. Kim, it is a secret that the article was deleted after it became controversial. Suddenly I have this thought. If Assemblyman Bae made the same criticism of Chairman Park on social media, would the Democratic Party quietly pass? Assemblyman Bae’s expression of ‘it’s right’! It is often used for small people.

Park Byeong-seok, Speaker of the National Assembly! At one time, it was even called a ‘character’ that was disgusting amongst reporters in the National Assembly. It’s called ‘Yeouido Piglet’. However, the nuance of Assemblyman Bae’s remarks this time is a little different, isn’t it? It was quite an aggressive expression. Some even call it ‘sexual harassment’.

[김어준/방송인 (TBS ‘김어준의 뉴스공장’) : 상대가 여성 의장이었고, 배 의원이 남성 의원이었다면 여성이라는 이유로 그 신체적 특징을 희화화하여 모욕을 주었다며 성인지 감수성, 성희롱 같은 단어들로 도배된 기사들이 쏟아졌을 것이고 그 표현 하나로 배 의원의 정치생명은 끝이 났을 겁니다.]

It is pointed out that the remarks were inappropriate even in the power of the people. However, whether this is a matter for even discussing the expulsion of a member of parliament is another matter.

[김용태/국민의힘 최고위원 (CBS ‘김현정의 뉴스쇼’ / 어제) : (그 과정에서 사용했던 단어 같은 것들, 이런 것에 대해서는 부적절하다는 건 인정하시죠?) 예예. 저는 거기에 대해선 비판을 하신다면 겸허히 받아들여야 된다고 생각합니다. (징계안을 상정하겠다고 하기도 했는데요.) 저는 박홍근 원내대표께서 한번 해보셨으면 좋겠습니다. 정말 무서울 게 없으신 것 같은데 국민들께서 이 과정을 다 보고 계셨고… 만약에 하게 된다면 정말 광기 어린 집단이 되었다고 생각하고요.]

The Democrats are actually on the verge of action. The specific expelled deadline is flowing.

[김민석/더불어민주당 의원 (YTN ‘뉴스킹 박지훈입니다’) : 5월 10일 전에 제명해야 된다고 봅니다. 정치를, 국회를, 의회민주주의를 새 대통령이 존중하지 않는다면 국회는 스스로의 품위는 지켜야죠. 의회정치를 파괴했을 뿐만 아니라 모독한 세력이기 때문에 저는 그런 분들은 의회에서 나가도록 하는 것이 맞다고 봅니다.]

Before Yoon Seok-yeol took office? Rep. Bae is also a spokesperson for the transition committee. In the end, the target seems to be Yoon-elect. The dignity of the National Assembly that the Democratic Party took as a cause! Of course you should keep it. How about solving the homework that the Democratic Party has also been putting off together while protecting it. Are there other people who have undermined the dignity of the National Assembly as much as these people?

[송영길/당시 더불어민주당 대표 (1월 25일) : 윤미향, 이상직, 박덕흠 세 의원의 제명안을 신속하게 처리하겠습니다. 국민의힘도 국민의 무서운 것을 안다면 제명에 동참하기를 바랍니다.]

Rep. Choi Kang-wook of the Democratic Party has been embroiled in sexual harassment allegations. On the 28th, members of the National Assembly Judiciary Committee and their assistants gathered and held a videoconference. When a fellow lawmaker didn’t turn on the camera at this meeting, Congressman Choi said, “Isn’t it because you’re doing ‘000’ by yourself?”

This word ‘000’! I think it sounded like sexual harassment. The Democratic Party Advisory Council came forward and raised the issue. Upon hearing this news, Vice Chairman Park Ji-hyun immediately ordered the Ethics Tribunal of the party to check the facts.

Rep. Choi is at the center of the controversy! In a word, it was a misunderstanding, I explained it. It is the position that I was only joking. “Isn’t it because you’re doing ‘000’ by yourself?”. The words in this ‘000’ must be important. Rep. Choi claimed that it was a ‘jjjjjal’. He didn’t mean to feel sexually offended or humiliated.

In response to Rep. Choi’s explanation, a large number of influencers came out with speakers. Writer Jin Joong-kwon was hit directly by saying, “Don’t force the palate.” He said, “Why are you hiding your jjjjjjal?” On the other hand, Hwang Gyo-ik defended “common sense is right” and “boys made a lot of jokes without their teacher’s knowledge”. This meme! Male students do it secretly.

However, you will need a partner, right? You can’t do jjjjjjal by yourself. Kim Eo-jun presented a slightly different perspective. Young female aides and Chairman Park Ji-hyeon do not know ‘jjjjjjal’ well, so they misunderstood! I came up with my own interpretation.

[김어준/방송인 (TBS ‘김어준의 뉴스공장’) : 여성들의 오해에서 비롯된 것 같아요. 왜냐하면 이 짤짤이는 구슬 혹은 동전을 손에 쥐고 홀짝 맞추는 게임이거든요. 학교에서 수업 시간에 몰래. 여학생들은 안 하죠. 남학생들 많이 했습니다. 이 단어를 아예 모르거나 잘못 들었던 것 같아요. 일종의 해프닝 같은데. 이게 이렇게까지 커질 기사가 아닌데…]

I do not know. The subject that raised the issue this time is the Minbohyup, right? Chairman of the Minbohyup! As you can see, it’s male. Did you really raise the issue because you didn’t know the word ‘jjjjjal’? The Minbohyup expressed deep regret, emphasizing that the majority of those who heard the remarks felt sexual discomfort beyond a ‘misunderstanding'”! He also rebutted Choi’s remarks that he was joking.

This frame that you probably didn’t know what ‘jjjjjal’ was! There was also sparks of fire from the non-commissioned chairman Park Ji-hyeon, who ordered the fact-finding investigation. Chairman Park’s social media was filled with comments criticizing, “Are you in a relationship with corruption?” and “Choosing Choi Kang-wook. Kim Yong-min also posted a post saying, “The feminists have succeeded in gaslighting the Democratic Party.”

Criticism towards Chairman Park! I wonder if this is a fair treatment. So, should we have skipped over the issues raised by the National Security Council? Moreover, Chairman Park’s inauguration! It was the principle of zero tolerance for sexual misconduct.

[박지현/더불어민주당 공동비상대책위원장 (3월 14일) : 당 소속 당직자들, 보좌진들의 성비위 발생 시에도 유야무야 넘어가는 일 없도록 신고 시스템은 물론 가해자 무관용 원칙 바로 세우겠습니다.]

Whether the remark in question is ‘jjjjjal’ or not, I think it is necessary to at least confirm. Chairman Park merely ordered a fact-finding investigation. The behavior of some so-called zealots! The words of President Moon Jae-in suddenly come to mind. Today’s poignant word, summarized as follows.

[JTBC ‘대담 문재인의 5년’ (지난달 25일) : 오히려 좁히고 뭔가 배타적이 되고 생각이 다른 사람들을 거리를 두게 만드는 그런 지지는 지지하는 사람을 위하는 지지가 아닌 거죠.]

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