Bags under the eyes: why they appear and can they be removed at home

What is it – “bags” under the eyes

Under the term “bags under the eyes” we mean dark circles, puffiness of the lower eyelid – everything that gives our face a tired look. Plastic surgeons call bags under the eyes eyelid hernias, since these structures are represented by edematous, hypertrophied (overgrowing) adipose tissue. The presence of pronounced bags creates the effect of an exhausted, heavy look, tear-stained face. Such defects visually age the face, spoil the overall impression and can in some cases even disrupt visual functions.

Most often, the formation of such a defect is associated with quite natural processes, the natural aging of the body – mainly the skin on the face and underlying connective tissues. As we age, tissues produce less and less collagen to keep skin firm and smooth. The muscles around the eyeball weaken, the tissues lose their elasticity. Sometimes the first changes can be noted after 25-30 years. When you sleep, the lower eyelid area swells up, making the tissues look like little pouches.

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